[CCSDS Observers] CCSDS Review of CCSDS 401.0-RP-31.1, Radio Frequency and Modulation Systems—Part 1: Earth Stations and Spacecraft

CCSDS Rapporteur thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
Mon Mar 1 19:42:28 UTC 2021

Control Number: RP 21-08

The following draft CCSDS Recommended Standard 
has been placed on line for CCSDS Agency review:

   CCSDS 401.0-RP-31.1.  Radio Frequency and Modulation Systems—Part 1:
                         Earth Stations and Spacecraft.
                         Red/Pink Sheets.  Issue 31.1.  February 2021.

DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION:  Numerous concise 
recommendations appear in the notebook volume 
bearing the number 401.0-B.  Each recommendation 
is dated, and the most recent revision is shown 
in the table of contents.  These Recommendations 
are developed for conventional near-Earth and 
deep-space missions having moderate 
communications requirements.  The current draft update adds new
recommendations 2.6.13 and 2.6.15 updates recommendations 2.4.18 and 2.4.23.

The due date for receipt of Agency review 
comments by the Review Coordinator is 30 April 
2021.  More information is available at the Web site identified below.

The review document, in Portable Document Format 
(PDF), and associated review materials are 
available for downloading at the following location:


REMINDER:  Agency Heads of Delegation are to make 
their own arrangements for review participation 
by their Agency-sponsored Associates.

NOTE: Per CMC Action Item CMC-A-2007-10-05, 
agency reviewers are reminded to review for 
compliance with the CCSDS Publications Manual as well as technical content.

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