[CCSDS Observers] CCSDS Review of CCSDS 506.0-P-1.1, Delta-Differential One Way Ranging (Delta-DOR) Operations

CCSDS Rapporteur thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
Tue Jul 26 21:46:56 UTC 2016

Control Number: RP 16-12

The following draft CCSDS Recommended Practice has been placed on 
line for CCSDS Agency review:

      CCSDS 506.0-P-1.1.  Delta-Differential One Way Ranging (Delta-
                          DOR) Operations.  Pink Book.  Issue 1.1.
                          July 2016.

DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION:  This Recommended Practice specifies a set of 
standard practices and message formats for use in the navigation 
technique known as Delta Differential One-Way Ranging (Delta-DOR). 
The current draft update adds clarifications, adds a subsection on 
quantitative validation criteria, renames 'Service Request' to 
'Support Request', adds Support Request specifications, adds examples 
of Support Requests as new annex, deletes section 7 in favor of 
reference to the Delta-DOR Quasar Catalogue

The due date for receipt of Agency review comments by the Review 
Coordinator is 2016-9-26.  More information is available at the Web 
site identified below.

The review document, in Portable Document Format (PDF), and 
associated review materials are available for downloading at the 
following location:


REMINDER:  Agency Heads of Delegation are to make their own 
arrangements for review participation by their Agency-sponsored Associates.

NOTE: Per CMC Action Item CMC-A-2007-10-05, agency reviewers are 
reminded to review for compliance with the CCSDS Publications Manual 
as well as technical content.

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