[MOIMS] CESG - MOIMS Resolution Nr 2 after last Spring 2013 CCSDS meeting, Revised CCSDS 652.1 Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of candidate Trustworthy Digital Repositories

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Mon Jul 22 10:27:43 UTC 2013

CESG Chair 

The following resolution has been approved by MOIMS AD. 

MOIMS-RAC WG-R-2013-01-002, Resolution recommending the issue of CCSDS 
652.1 Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of 
candidate Trustworthy Digital Repositories for Agency and ISO Review in 

The CCSDS Engineering Steering Group: 

CONSIDERING that the MOIMS RAC WG  has consulted in detail with ISO CASCO 
and have now produced a revision of the document (see attachment)  which 
is acceptable to them

CONSIDERING that changes (see below) are too extensive for a corrigendum 
or even Pink Sheets,

CONSIDERING that the CCSDS Standards Track requirements for Magenta Book 
review have been satisfied

and AFFIRMING that the MOIMS RAC Working Group has resolved all issues

and PRESUPPOSING that the Mission Operations and Information Management 
Services Area recommends that the document be submitted for Agency and ISO 
review in parallel

APPROVES submissiom of  CCSDS 652.1 Requirements for Bodies Providing 
Audit and Certification of candidate Trustworthy Digital Repositories for 
Agency and ISO Review in parallel (after going through Secretariat 


RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group Chair initiates the 
required CESG poll for its approval 

Changes are as follows
 removed the contents of section 3 which defined a special body (PTAB) ? 
CASCO did not like this. In order to keep the section numbers in line with 
the higher level ISO 17021, we keep section 3 blank (?reserved?) 
changed section 7.2 and add a new normative Annex. The annex follows the 
new way that ISO CASCO is defining what the auditors should know. 
Previously ISO standards talked about qualifications (as did our old 
section 7) but now the idea is to talk about competencies ? which is in 
our new Annex A.

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