[MOIMS] Call for Interest in Mission Planning Services Standardisation (Cleveland Announcement 2)

Mario.Merri at esa.int Mario.Merri at esa.int
Wed Sep 19 21:16:38 UTC 2012

Dear Mission Planning expert,

As anticipated, an initial draft concept paper presenting some of the
conclusions reached in Darmstadt is available here:


Please consider this paper just as a brainstorming tool that can be used to
stimulate the discussion.

Registration is now open at the CCSDS web site. Please follow the following

   Go at http://public.ccsds.org/meetings/2012Fall/2012FallReg.aspx

   Register either using the CCSDS CWE Login (if you have one) or using the
   Generic Login (Username: meetingreg; Password: fall#2012)

   Select the option that applies to you (Government Agency; other Government
   Agency; and Company, University, Non-Government Organisation).

   In case you selected the option 3 (Company, University, Non-Government
   Organisation), if you do not have any obvious answer for the field "And I
   support this CCSDS agency:", please enter "ESA"

   Scroll down to Wednesday 17 Oct 2012 and in the 08:30-12:30 period select
   "2.04 - MOIMS - Spacecraft Monitoring and Control WG + Mission Planning

   Click OK

The venue of the event and logistic information can be found at

I also plan to cover this event via WebEx. If you are interested in this,
please inform my assistant (Ulrike.Christina.Johnstone at esa.int).

The Preliminary agenda is:
1. Mission Operations Services Presentation from CCSDS/SM&C
2. Selected presentations from planning community (open call)
3. Discussion

I would like to renew once more the invitation to contribute with
presentations from the planning community (mainly from non European
organisation as the European organisations had already their chance during
the spring meeting in Darmstadt). Please send any proposal for new ideas,
alternative approaches, inputs to the discussion, relevant presentations you
would like to deliver to Mario.Merri at esa.int (due to time constrains we
cannot guarantee that all material will be presented).

Please spread the word in the planning community. Any any interested person
can include his/her email (at no cost) to the distribution list at
http://mailman.ccsds.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/moims-mp .



ESA – European Space Agency

Dr. Mario MERRI
Head of Mission Data System Division (OPS-GD)
Directorate of Operations and Infrastructure
European Space Operations Centre - ESOC
Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel +49 (6151) 90 2292 | Mario.Merri at esa.int  |  www.esa.int/esoc

----- Forwarded by Mario Merri/esoc/ESA on 19/09/2012 22:49 -----
  From:       Mario Merri/esoc/ESA                                                                                                                   
  To:         moims-mp at mailman.ccsds.org                                                                                                             
  Cc:         Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA at ESA, adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov, Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov, HSO-GD_ALL at esa.int, esb-secretariat/estec/ESA at ESA      
  Date:       24/08/2012 17:25                                                                                                                       
  Subject:    Call for Interest in Mission Planning Services Standardisation (Cleveland Announcement 1)                                              

Dear Mission Planning expert,

The Spacecraft Monitoring and Control (SM&C) working group of the CCSDS
(Consultative Committee for Space Data System - www.ccsds.org) has developed
a mission operations framework for the specification of standardised services
for the exchange of meaningful information between the major components of
the spacecraft mission operations system.

At the CCSDS technical meeting in Darmstadt, Germany 16-20 April 2012, the
SM&C working group held a half-day session to discuss the potential
specification of standardised mission planning services built on the Mission
Operations (MO) Service Framework. This session had a very high attendance
indicating a strong interest in the community. The minutes and the material
presented are available at:


An initial draft concept paper starting with the conclusions reached in
Darmstadt will be shortly distributed to the community.

Because of travelling restrictions, the meeting in Darmstadt saw mainly the
participation of the European Mission Planning community. For this reason, it
had been decided to repeat this event in the US in correspondence of the
CCSDS technical meetings that will be held in Cleveland, OH, USA from 15 to
18 of October 2012.

The following presentation with audio support (downloadable as zip archive
from the link below, ~6MB) has been prepared which has the purpose to give an
overview of the Mission Operations Service Framework and how it may be
applied to spacecraft Mission Planning. It is directed to the mission
planning community with the objective of getting interested specialists to
attend the session:


How Can I Attend?
   When: Wed 17 October 2012 from 8:30 to 12:30 (TBC)
   Where: Cleveland, OH, USA (see www.ccsds.org for venue)
   How: Register on-line (no cost) for “Call for Interest for Mission
   Planning Service Standardisation” session of the SM&C working group at the
   2012 Fall CCSDS Technical Meetings at

Preliminary agenda
   Mission Operations Services Presentation from CCSDS/SM&C
   Selected presentations from planning community
   Discussion and way forward

Do you like the idea and want to contribute?
   Ideas? Alternative approaches? Inputs to the discussion? Relevant
   presentations you would like to deliver? (please limit presentations to
   about 10minute; due to time constrains we cannot guarantee that all
   material will be presented)
   Please send any proposal to Mario.Merri at esa.int

Distribution List
   A distribution list of interested experts has been established
   If not already registered, add your name or that of any interested person
   (no cost) to http://mailman.ccsds.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/moims-mp

Please spread the word in the planning community.



ESA – European Space Agency
Dr. Mario MERRI
Head of Mission Data System Division (OPS-GD)
Directorate of Operations and Infrastructure
European Space Operations Centre - ESOC
Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel +49 (6151) 90 2292 | Mario.Merri at esa.int  |  www.esa.int/esoc
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