[MOIMS] Call for Interest in Mission Planning Services Standardisation (Announcement 2): Wed 18 April 2012 from 13:30 to 17:30
Mario.Merri at esa.int
Mario.Merri at esa.int
Fri Mar 9 14:42:49 UTC 2012
Dear Mission Planning expert,
registration is now open at the CCSDS web site. Please follow the following
Go at http://public.ccsds.org/meetings/2012Spring/2012SpringReg.aspx
Register either using the CCSDS CWE Login (if you have one) or using the
Generic Login (Username: meetingreg; Password: spring#2012)
Select the option that applies to you (Government Agency; other Government
Agency; and Company, University, Non-Government Organisation).
In case you selected the option 3 (Company, University, Non-Government
Organisation), if you do not have any obvious answer for the field "And I
support this CCSDS agency:", please enter "ESA"
Scroll down to Wednesday 18 Apr 2012 and in the 13:30-17:00 period select
"2.04 - MOIMS - Spacecraft Monitoring and Control WG "Call for Interest
for Mission Planning Service Standardization"
Click OK
The final venue of the event depends on the attendance and will be
communicated later on.
I also plan to cover this event via WebEx. If you are interested in this,
please inform my assistant (diana.teplova at esa.int).
The Preliminary agenda is:
1. Mission Operations Presentation from CCSDS/SM&C
2. Selected presentations from planning community
3. Discussion
I would like to renew once more the invitation to contribute. Please send any
proposal for new ideas, alternative approaches, inputs to the discussion,
relevant presentations you would like to deliver to Mario.Merri at esa.int (due
to time constrains we cannot guarantee that all material will be presented).
Please spread the word in the planning community and let me know if I missed
ESA – European Space Agency
Dr. Mario MERRI
Head of Mission Data System Division (OPS-GD)
Directorate of Operations and Infrastructure
European Space Operations Centre - ESOC
Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel +49 (6151) 90 2292 | Mario.Merri at esa.int | www.esa.int/esoc
----- Forwarded by Mario Merri/esoc/ESA on 16/02/2012 16:47 -----
From: Mario Merri/esoc/ESA
To: Distribution List
Date: 14/02/2012 10:53
Subject: Call for Interest in Mission Planning Services Standardisation (Announcement 1)
Dear Mission Planning expert,
The Spacecraft Monitoring and Control (SM&C) working group of the CCSDS
(Consultative Committee for Space Data System - www.ccsds.org) has developed
a mission operations framework for the specification of standardised services
for the exchange of meaningful information between the major components of
the spacecraft mission operations system.
At the next CCSDS technical meeting to be held in Darmstadt, Germany 16-20
April 2012, the SM&C working group plan to hold a half-day session to discuss
the potential specification of standardised mission planning services built
on the Mission Operations (MO) Service Framework.
The attached presentation with audio support (downloadable as zip archive
from the link below, ~6MB) has the purpose to give an overview of the Mission
Operations Service Framework and how it may be applied to spacecraft Mission
Planning. It is directed to the mission planning community with the objective
of getting interested specialists to attend the session.
How Can I Attend?
- When: Wed 18 April 2012 from 13:30 to 17:30
- Where: Darmstadt, Germany (venue to be confirmed)
- How: Register on-line (no cost) for the “Call for Interest for Mission
Planning Service Standardisation” session of the SM&C working group at the
2012 Spring CCSDS Technical Meetings at
http://public.ccsds.org/meetings/default.aspx (please note that registration
for the Spring 2012 meeting is not yet open).
Preliminary agenda
1. Mission Operations Presentation from CCSDS/SM&C
2. Selected presentations from planning community
3. Discussion
Do you like the idea and want to contribute?
- Ideas? Alternative approaches? Inputs to the discussion? Relevant
presentations you would like to deliver? (due to time constrains we cannot
guarantee that all material will be presented)
- Please send any proposal to Mario.Merri at esa.int
Please spread the word in the planning community and let me know if I missed
ESA – European Space Agency
Dr. Mario MERRI
Head of Mission Data System Division (OPS-GD)
Directorate of Operations and Infrastructure
European Space Operations Centre - ESOC
Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel +49 (6151) 90 2292 | Mario.Merri at esa.int | www.esa.int/esoc
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