[MOIMS] URGENT : MOIMS products against MOIMS priority criteria

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Thu Oct 13 15:36:12 UTC 2005

Dear all,

We had a hot discussion at CESG level,

and I got the following action
CESG-F05-A003:    1) Draft a set of criteria from which your WG priorities
can be judged and 2) Perform your own ranking of your WG tasks in terms of
priorities. Circulate the results to CESG for discussion and synthesis of an
overall set of priorities prior to the CMC. Identify "book colors" of each
ranked item.
Assigned to: Peter Shames, Nestor Peccia, Garard Lapaian, J-L Gerner, Bob
Durst, Patrick Plancke
Due: 07 October 2005

You will find attached my first draft.

in summary

- I defined 5 criterias
- I listed your products from the WG charter
- I assigned priorities according to the criteria

I need to send it this week. It will be discussed at the MC meeting.

Please send me your comments asap

(See attached file: MOIMS WG products versus MOIMS Criteria.doc)

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