[MOIMS] [CESG] Preliminary glimpse at draft CMC resolutions

John Garrett John.Garrett at gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Apr 21 22:02:20 UTC 2005

Hi Nestor,

I just had a couple of comments regarding the resolutions.

Point 1.
I think CMC should remain as the approving authority for all CCSDS 
documents.  CESG should recommend whether or not review is needed, but CMC 
where all Member Agencies are represented should approve all documents.

Point 2.
As far as a registry portion for XML, IETF and IANA could serve as a 
starting model.  They just register (via a simple text list) 4 types of XML 
objects ( public IDs, namespaces, schemas, and RDF schemas) identified in 
Of course there are other aspects to XML use such as naming conventions, 
etc.  Again there are many examples of current practice from which we could 

Point 5.
There is a pretty fundamental difference in default set up of Docushare and 
CWE.  In Docushare the
default was that material for all WGs was available to any CCSDS member 
(i.e. pretty much  anyone with a userid and password for the CCSDS 
Docushare).  However anyone could add additional access 
restrictions.    The default allowed CCSDS members to know about 
and  benefit from work going on in other groups.  But for example, now in 
CWE, I can't even get a copy of the Information Architecture book.   Even 
though I am a member of the SANA BoF, I wasn't able to view the result of 
the CESG vote on approval of the SANA WG or get information on the comments 
provided during the balloting.  I can't find out what groups are using XML 
without contacting the chair of each WG and getting the information from 
them or requesting that they go in and alter the permissions so I can 
access them (and I'll bet few if any of the WG or Area chairs know how to 
universally add access for someone not in their group).
Too late know, but for future major transitions like this, it would be good 
to have training at meeting before change is made, especially when they 
know that current tool will disappear before the next international meeting.
Point 6.
However, it is also important to ensure that documents that are changed to 
historical status remain accessible, since missions were built to their 
specifications.  It is also important that although they become historical 
documents, they should maintain their same number because current mission 
are specifying them by that number.   Less critical, but a nice feature for 
overall usefulness of the web, would be to provide a 'persistent' URL 
address for each CCSDS document.  Otherwise each time CCSDS moves things 
around on their web site, it breaks all kinds of existing links to CCSDS.

Point 7.
Will CCSDS be maintaining Ground Station information any more?  This is a 
significant piece of Peter's view of SANA.  However, I understood Jack 
Kelley did not want CCSDS to maintain it any longer.  He thought it should 
be moved to IOAG responsibility.   Additionally, there have been some 
general security questions raised about maintaining such a database.   Has 
there been any discussion about these issues?


At 04:40 AM 4/21/2005, Nestor.Peccia at esa.int wrote:
>Text highlighted in red is of interest to MOIMS
>Point 2:          All
>Point 4:          Felipe and Mario
>Point 5:          All
>Point 9:          Felipe
>----- Forwarded by Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA on 21/04/2005 09:11 -----
>                       "Adrian J. 
> Hooke" 
>                       <adrian.j.hooke at jpl         To:      CCSDS 
> Engineering Steering Group - ADs <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
>                       .nasa.gov>                  cc: 
>                       Sent by:                    Subject: [CESG] 
> Preliminary glimpse at draft CMC resolutions
>                       cesg-bounces at mailma 
>                       n.ccsds.org 
>                       20/04/2005 
> 22:48 
>The Resolutions and Actions from last week's CMC meeting are still being
>drafted. However, here is a "quick, unofficial" peek into some of the likely
>actions that will directly affect the Areas. [my Actions are appended]
>1. The CESG has authority to make corrections  and to instruct the
>Secretariat to re-issue a document without a review when only minor editorial
>changes are made.
>2. The CESG is to propose a harmonized approach to the use of XML across the
>Working Groups. [Action: Peter, Nestor and Gerard - figure out how to
>3. The Systems Architecture Working Group is authorized to operate only
>through the end of July 2005, during which time it shall submit the RASDS
>(Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems) to the CESG for review
>towards its adoption as a CCSDS Recommended Practice and then the working
>group shall be dissolved. [Action: Peter - figure out how to respond].
>4. The CESG is asked to form a BOF to explore the subject of developing an
>inter-agency "Cross Support Service Architecture". The BOF is requested to
>generate a draft charter for a "Cross Support Service Architecture Working
>Group", including identification of information that is needed from the IOAG
>in order to supply the working group with necessary customer requirements.
>[Action: Peter, Nestor and Gerard - figure out how to respond].
>5. The Secretariat is to migrate all documents  currently stored on DocuShare
>into a corresponding storage and retrieval structure within the Collaborative
>Work Environment and shall decommit the Docushare capability by 10 July 2005.
>[Action: all Areas - please identify if this would cause disruption for you].
>6. Any Blue Book which is replaced by a new version shall be retired into
>historical status. This particularly affects the Space Link Services Area,
>where the "restructured" space link protocols shall now form the base of
>Recommended Standards. [Action: Jean-Luc].
>7 CCSDS 411.0-G-3.  Radio Frequency and Modulation-Part 1: Earth Stations.
>Green Book. Issue 3. May 1997 is to be retired and placed into Historical
>status. [Action: Jean-Luc].
>8 The charter of the Cross Support Transfer Services Working Group is
>approved, subject to comments already supplied, and the WG Chair shall factor
>these CMC's comments into the revised WG Charter. [Action: Gerard - please
>make sure that Yves has the comments from Bergamini and Soula and get the
>revised charter generated].
>9. The amendment of the Navigation  Working Group's Charter is approved,
>subject to comments already supplied, and the WG Chair shall factor these
>CMC's comments into the revised WG Charter. [Action: Nestor - please make
>sure that Felipe has the comments from Bergamini and Soula and get the
>revised charter generated].
>CESG mailing list
>CESG at mailman.ccsds.org
>MOIMS mailing list
>MOIMS at mailman.ccsds.org

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