[Moims-sc] SM&C WG Telecom

Mehran Sarkarati Mehran.Sarkarati at esa.int
Fri Sep 9 16:07:49 UTC 2022


  1.  Review of the responses to the PIDs from the CESG review and the corresponding updates in the BB
  2.  Draft Agenda for the upcoming CCSDS Fall technical Meetings (including decision on Joint Meetings with Security WG, DAI and NAV)
  3.  CESG meeting on adoption of MO services
  4.  AOB

Dear all,

I hope you all had a good Summer break and are back from a well deserved leave.
We are by four weeks behind the schedule that I had communicated in my email of 26 July for processing the PIDs on our MAL BB that was raised during the CESG review.
Given the Summer break in between, I may have been too optimistic!

Cesar and myself have just completed the first run on updating of the book and the responses in the excel table.
Attached you will find the updated Excel file of the PIDs which includes updated comments from Peter Shames from 12 July as well additional comments from two other Area directors Erik and Tomaso.
We have added an updated respond in the last comment.
The updated BB document is also attached.

I would like to go with you through the responses and the updated text in the book before meeting with Peter, Erik and Tomaso, in order to confirm that our responses and the corresponding updates in the book satisfy the PID.
Please note that I will still update the Annex A wrt to security and PICS and bring an updated version during the meeting.

We also need to discuss the agenda of our Fall meeting.


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