[Moims-sc] Action - Provide inputs for SM&C planning efforts

Smith, Danford S. (GSFC-5800) danford.s.smith at nasa.gov
Wed May 13 12:20:54 UTC 2020

As a follow-on to the series of working group telecons over the past two weeks, each SM&C Member is asked to provide written inputs on the following topics so we can develop a consolidated list for discussion.   Please provide responses to Dan.Smith at nasa.gov<mailto:Dan.Smith at nasa.gov> and to sam at brightascension.com<mailto:sam at brightascension.com> by May 26, 2020.

1) What are the key issues you would like to see addressed, please provide justification as why it is an issue and the problems it causes?

2) What is the priority list of the issues you see above?

3) Regarding a schedule, how soon do you think we need to have resolved the above issues?  Any other comments on schedule?

4) Are there areas you or your agency may be willing to work on regarding the raised issues?
[this is not a firm commitment yet, we need to judge the overall interest level]

5) Any other comments do you have on how we should move forward as a Working Group?

Dan Smith
Code 580
Bldg 23, Room E443
8800 Greenbelt Road
Greenbelt, MD  20771
Office:  301-286-2230
Cell:  301-648-9611
Dan.Smith at nasa.gov<mailto:Dan.Smith at nasa.gov>

Believe the science.  There are no "alternative facts".

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