[Moims-sc] CCSDS MO Green Book update

Sam Cooper sam at brightascension.com
Thu Apr 6 08:19:28 UTC 2017

Dear All,

As discussed during the last teleconference, please find below the 
outline we are proposing for the Green Book update for your comments.

  Green Book Skeleton

Introduction (2-3 pages)

  * Aim of this Green Book
  * Structure of this Green Book
  * How to read and use this Green Book

Mission Operations Motivation and Rationale (6-8 pages)

  * Background and context
  * Scope under consideration
  * Challenges facing operations and space systems development
  * Stakeholder identification
  * User needs
  * Role of software, and mission operations services, in addressing the
    user needs
  * Requirements on MO

Mission Operations Design (4-6 pages)

  * Terminology
  * Design principles (e.g. SOA, messaging, at a high-level)
  * The MO service model (non-technical description)
  * Providing and consuming services (non-technical description)
  * Applications and services
  * Standard services
  * MO in practice - some example case studies

Mission Operations Technology (4-6 pages)

  * The MO service model in more detail
  * Layering in MO
  * Common services
  * The role of the common object model
  * The Message Abstraction Layer

Developing MO Applications (4-6 pages)

  * Typical MO applications
  * Relationship between applications and services
  * Standard vs application-specific services
  * MO application development tools
  * ...

Integrating MO Systems (4-6 pages)

  * Essential services
  * Detailed description of common services and COM services
  * The role of the MAL and communications protocols
  * Reference implementations
  * Implementing an MO system using the reference tools
  * ...

Managing and Administering MO Systems (4-6 pages)

  * The role of the common services
  * Audit trail
  * Archiving
  * Security
  * ...

MO Communications (4-6 pages)

  * Detailed look at the architecture and the way communications works
  * Overview of different communications bindings
  * ...

Overview of the Standards (2-3 pages)

  * Top level view of the standards/books
  * Mapping of the standards onto topics and stakeholders
  * Mapping of the standards/topics/stakeholders onto the following chapters


Preliminary list of stakeholders:

  * Managers
      o Mission level
      o Infrastructure
      o Programme managers
  * Operators (Ops)
  * System Integrators (EGSE and AIT)
  * Software Developers
      o Infrastructure
      o Applications

Edit this section 

    Stakeholder to Section Mapping


  * Read first three sections
  * Read Managing and Administering MO Systems
  * If further detail required, read Mission Operations Technology


  * Read first three sections
  * Read Mission Operations Technology
  * If further detail required on management, read Managing and
    Administering MO Systems
  * If further detail required on development, read Developing MO

For*System Integrators*:

  * Read first three sections
  * Read Mission Operations Technology
  * Read Integrating MO Systems
  * If further detail required on management, read Managing and
    Administering MO Systems
  * If further detail required on development, read Developing MO

For*Application Software Developers*:

  * Read first three sections
  * Read Mission Operations Technology
  * Read Developing MO Applications
  * If further detail required on integration, read Integrating MO Systems
  * If further detail required on management, read Managing and
    Administering MO Systems

For*Infrastructure Software Developers*

  * Read first three sections
  * Read Mission Operations Technology
  * Read Integrating MO Systems
  * Read MO Communications
  * If further detail required on management, read Managing and
    Administering MO Systems
  * If further detail required on development, read Developing MO

The idea of the book is that it has some general overview sections at 
the beginning and then, depending on your interest, you have a set of 
sections that are applicable to you that you should read. The hope is 
that these later sections can be more focussed and relevant that trying 
to cover everything for everybody which I think the previous document 
suffered from. Also, we are trying to emphasise the goals and uses of MO 
rather than the technology, so putting the horse back in front of the 

So, please, any comments you have on anything, but ideally other 
stakeholders and the sections they would want. If you could send those 
to me by Monday the 24th of April that would be brilliant.

We hope to release a first draft of the document in time for us to 
discuss in San Antonio. It will not be complete and will most likely 
only cover a few sections but should give us an idea of direction and style.


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