[Moims-nav] FW: CCSDS Review of CCSDS 502.0-P-2.1, Orbit Data Messages

Berry, David S (US 3920) david.s.berry at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Nov 8 01:01:53 UTC 2021


I'm a little overdue sending this out to notify the larger MOIS-NAV mailing list of the current Orbit Data Messages Agency Review.

See https://public.ccsds.org/review/CCSDS%20502.0-P-2.1/default.aspx for review materials and instructions.

Regards, and Apologies for delay...
David Berry
CCSDS Navigation WG Chair

On 10/15/21, 12:37 PM, "CESG-All on behalf of CCSDS Rapporteur" <cesg-all-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org on behalf of thomas.gannett at tgannett.net> wrote:

    Control Number: PRP 21-32

    The following draft CCSDS Recommended Standard has been placed on 
    line for CCSDS Agency review:

         CCSDS 502.0-P-2.1.  Orbit Data Messages.  Pink Book.  Issue 2.1.
                             October 2021.

    DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION:  The Orbit Data Message (ODM) Recommended 
    Standard specifies message formats for use in transferring spacecraft 
    orbit information between space agencies and commercial or 
    governmental spacecraft operators.  The current draft update adds 
    Orbit Comprehensive Message, adds MESSAGE_ID keyword to existing 
    messages (OPM, OMM, and OEM), discontinues 'Checklist ICD', creates a 
    new SANA Registry for normative keyword values for navigation 
    messages, and adds several annexes for example and supplementary material.

    The due date for receipt of review comments by the CCSDS Review 
    Coordinator is 14 December 2021.  Area Directors and WG/BOF Chairs 
    may submit review comments directly to the CCSDS Review 
    Coordinator.  More information is available at the Web site identified below.

    The review document, in Portable Document Format (PDF), and 
    associated review materials are available for downloading at the 
    following location:



    1  Per CMC Action Item CMC-A-2007-10-05, agency reviewers are reminded to
       review for compliance with the CCSDS Publications Manual as well as
       technical content.

    2  Per CESG Resolution CESG-R-2008-10-006, the CESG no longer conducts
       pre-Agency-review reviews but is instead expected to participate in
       Agency reviews when they are announced.

    CESG-All mailing list
    CESG-All at mailman.ccsds.org

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