Berry, David S (US 3920) david.s.berry at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu May 2 18:25:18 UTC 2024

On 12/14/20, 5:17 PM, "Berry, David S (US 3920)" <david.s.berry at jpl.nasa.gov <mailto:david.s.berry at jpl.nasa.gov>> wrote:

Cheryl: I think you may already have these ideas on your TDM V.3 list, but I thought I'd send them along since they look a bit more specific than I recall from the previous message.


On 12/10/20, 1:50 PM, "Border, James S (US 335D)" <james.s.border at jpl.nasa.gov <mailto:james.s.border at jpl.nasa.gov>> wrote:

Hi Cheryl,

The DDOR WG surveyed some users of DDOR and other tracking data, and we think some new fields in the TDM would be useful. Our purpose is to "standardize" how to represent this information. Our current request is essentially the same as was introduced last year. Here is our current request:

Proposed update to Navigation TDM
VLBI/Delta-DOR Related Keywords
DOR_SIGMA Uncertainty on DOR measurement (s; for each DOR data type entry)
VLBI_DELAY_SIGMA Uncertainty on VLBI_DELAY measurement (s; for each VLBI_DELAY data type entry)

Antenna Related Keywords
ANGLE_1_SIGMA Uncertainty on ANGLE_1 measurement (deg; for each ANGLE_1 data type entry)
ANGLE_2_SIGMA Uncertainty on ANGLE_2 measurement (deg; for each ANGLE_2 data type entry)

Media Related Keywords
TROPO_WET_SLANT_RANGE Measured wet path delay along line from tracking station to spacecraft (m; could be provided by narrowbeam Water Vapor Radiometer)


On 6/6/20, 2:35 PM, "Berry, David S (US 3920)" <david.s.berry at jpl.nasa.gov <mailto:david.s.berry at jpl.nasa.gov>> wrote:

Hi Jim:

Our TDM V.2 is in the final stages of "approval to publish" polling and unfortunately it does not contain the data you have requested. The V.2 is unfortunately VERY overdue, and I could not justify adding additional data items at this time. However, we have been working in parallel on a TDM V.3 and the topics you requested have been added to that work list. We have not gotten very far on this newer version of the TDM since everyone was working hard to finish up V.2, but the V.3 work should get more serious shortly.

My apologies for the delays in responding to your question, and also the data content request.

On 3/24/20, 10:28 AM, "Border, James S (US 335D)" <james.s.border at jpl.nasa.gov <mailto:james.s.border at jpl.nasa.gov>> wrote:

Hi David,

Last Fall we discussed the possibility of adding some parameters to the TDM. My notes from the DDOR WG include:

JAXA has proposed updates to the TDM
Thermal noise 1-sigma estimate for each VLBI and DOR delay
Tropospheric slant range estimate from co-pointing water vapor radiometers
Error estimate for RA,DEC observables [I think this is for antenna angle measurements]

Do you think this would be reasonable? What would be the time frame for discussing these possible updates?


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