[Moims-mp] Notes for MoM of the Spring MPS meeting in Washington

Guillermo Buenadicha Guillermo.Buenadicha at esa.int
Fri May 3 15:41:59 UTC 2024

Dear Peter:

Find my notes from the week. I have tried to use colour code for Actions, and split daily discussions in 4 groups.





Morning:           CCSDS/MOIMS Opening Plenary

                        MP&S: Welcome, agenda, current status

Afternoon:         BB review / RID discussion


Cheol Hea Koo (Korean Space Agency)

Jung-Hyun Lee (Korean Space Angency)

Clement Hubin-Andrieu (CNES)

Peter van der Plas (ESA)

David Frew (ESA)

Guillermo Buenadicha (ESA)

Geoffrey Lochmaier(NASA)

Christoph Lenzen (DLR)

Maria Woerle (DLR)

Olivier Page (UKSA)

Group agreements

Quinten van Woerkom to become book captain, under ESA-ESTEC contract

RID conclusion discussion

Peter presented a RID form.

Peter puts a set of folders and Spreadsheets in Google Drive to handle RIDs.

Version for AR is that of 25th of March (although will go out with an updated date)

Some delta changes identified internally in between (March to 16th)

Disposal and discussion of some RIDs from Peter vdP

Disposal of RIDs in the Excel RID file.

Test specs changes

Questions to Roger

Table 3-1 in section 3.1.2, should it be in the Information model and the tailoring in section 2?



Morning:           BB review / RID discussion

Afternoon:        BB review / RID discussion


Clement Hubin-Andrieu (CNES)

Peter van der Plas (ESA)

David Frew (ESA)

Guillermo Buenadicha (ESA)

Geoffrey Lochmaier(NASA)

Christoph Lenzen (DLR)

Maria Woerle (DLR)

Olivier Page (UKSA)

Quinten van Woerkom (ESA) Online

RID conclusion discussion

Disposal of RIDs in the Excel RID file.

Group agreements

Patch plans are entities that generate target plans, that are the entities returned in queries and other operations. The patch plan itself is not mandatorily persisted.

A patch plan fields, if different to the precursor plan, prevail (originator) (implementation 1). Alternatively, it could be accepted by agreement that if fields are different the patch is rejected.

A patch plan generates a new plan (target), not necessarily a new version of the precursor. It tells the target plan explicitly. Instead, the Plan Edit Service generates a new version of an existing plan.

Test specs changes

Changes in the Patch Plans P3 and P4 to ensure that they create new target plans. So, if a Patch Plan has been applied, the target plan will exist.

Questions to Roger

To add a note to the query of a patch plan that items "contained" are items to be added or to be removed. To be checked with Roger.

Planning systems are not bound to keep historic plans.



Morning:           Prototyping: File Formats finalisation, Yellow Book #2 finalisation

Afternoon:         Magenta Book project kick-off, draft presentation, next steps


Clement Hubin-Andrieu (CNES)

Peter van der Plas (ESA)

David Frew (ESA)

Guillermo Buenadicha (ESA)

Geoffrey Lochmaier(NASA)

Christoph Lenzen (DLR)

Olivier Page (UKSA)

Quinten van Woerkom (ESA) Online

Marvin Wittschen (DLR) Online

Matt Dailis (NASA) Online

RID conclusion discussion

Disposal of RIDs in the Excel RID file.

Group agreements

Discussion on how to conduct the xml file comparison in the case of different ordering of arguments or parameters in the ESA and DLR implementation. Use of specific tools (XML Inspector, others) could be a way forward.

Discussions on how to ensure that the path from BB, EA, service specs and the file schemas consistency can be obtained.

As priority, first to get at least a way to check consistency between file format schemas and service specification.

Second priority lesser urgency, seek how to generate the file format schema automatically from the Blue Book (macros, or something else) not from EA.

Lowest priority is also to get rid of EA finding an alternate way to generate the UML diagrams.

Action on PvdP to check how to ensure that attachments can be delivered with Yellow book (more evident in the pdf format, but not sure in the Word). Some products will be made available in a repository, though (logs, others).

Peter presented the CCSDS processes and schedule for approvals and authorizations. A Magenta Book one ha been released.

Magenta Book in the GoogleDrive under Roger's handover.

Action on PvdP to raise a RID on the identity in the MPSSystemConfigDetails (remove it)

Agreement to replace Roger's style in the BB without numbering one with numbering, adding the words 'Data Type: and the table or diagram for the data type is preceded with text  put as an Overview  and then Definition for the table for the data type.

Same approach to be followed for services and service operations.

A section for "Requirements" may follow, but it is optional.

Test specs changes

Modifications in V14, including the MPSSystemConfirguraion data and the T_PIMS_009 test.

Questions to Roger

Roger to try to remember why we do have the validity fields in the Planning requests (validityTime and validityEvent), and why this is not handled as constraints.

Ask Roger why he put the MPSSystemConfigDetails an identity.



Morning:           Prototyping: Services finalisation, Yellow Book #1 finalisation

Afternoon:         Green Book (Issue 2) project kick-off, discussion and tasks


Clement Hubin-Andrieu (CNES)

Peter van der Plas (ESA)

David Frew (ESA)

Guillermo Buenadicha (ESA)

Geoffrey Lochmaier(NASA)

Christoph Lenzen (DLR)

Olivier Page (UKSA)

Cesar Coelho (ESA)

Marvin Wittschen (DLR) Online

Matt Dailis (NASA) Online

RID conclusion discussion

Group agreements

Document generation.

CC presented an autogenerated document (out of an specific tool from xml file) proposal for BB. In the next few months the group will play and use the proposal of autogenerated document presented by Cesar Coelho, and see if the detailed issues are valid. Some more features could be added if needed.

Action on PvdP Directory Service section 3.1.2 is to be removed from the BB (no longer needed).

Discussion on the yellow book

Use a version prior to the branching of the book.

Section 1 from template

Section 2 stays. Quinten will do on his instance for the data types and information model. Do the same for the operations.

PICS table.

Add the list of data types that are implicit to the service tests. Check QvW excel table that should contain that.

Chapter 3 stays removing the part of the files. And data types. Still a subset of the data types is covered, only those specific to the services.

PICS Test Coverage (forward traceability). (can be here or in section 4). Better in section 3.

Chapter 4. streamlined.

Section 6, tests to be found in the spreadsheet. That shall eb an annex, and in the pdf to add the excel as embedded

Section 7 add test reports (replace better by test results) as annex.

Yellow book should test the BB ready for publication.

Action on GB to update the yellow book (sservice one) with all this. Also to request from ESA and from DLR a one pager on the prototype framework (use of common gits, tools, others).

Action on PvdP to provide to QvW and GB the latest applicable template of the yellow book from the CCSDS secretariat.

Action on PvdP to find the publication process for a the yellow book. Does it have a CCSDS reference number?

Discussions on the Green Book update.

Section 5, contains gathered use cases in 2016. Should it be removed? PvdP --> No.

GB, missing use cases of human involved mission.

Section 5 may add new use cases.

Sections 6 and 7 must be updated to reflect the standard.

A caveat must be added to them (6 and 7) to reflect that there may be use cases in sections 5 or previous not covered by the blue book.

Section 8 may disappear (no roadmap required).

Add new section about overview of the standard, to be considered?

Refer to the magenta book as well.

Add also a section that acts as a guide to use and understand the BB.

Possible synergies and connections to the Interoperability Standard for Ground Standard.



Test specs changes

MW inputs' discussions, based on some email inputs provided to GB and already partially responded.

How to trigger INVALID cases.

Timewindow and Eventwindow should have a requirement that that the end shall not be before the start time.

Discussion on the error codes, how to handle the secondary codes and the INVALID codes.

All INVALID are dealing with invalid input data. The secondary code is mandatory.

Action GB to adapt the Test Specification to always specify the INVALID index and secondary.

Action on PvdP: For all PubSub, the INVALID shall be removed.  PvdP to raise a RID.

Questions to Roger

Question to Cesar and SMC if the version in an ObjectRef can be nulled.

Stated on the page E3 on the book. (annex). Version is optional for the objectId.

Area and Type can be omitted. Version can be omitted where the latest or current is assumed.

Question to Roger: what is the difference between "current" and "latest"? Is this reference ambiguous? What if the version is nulled?However,  in the MAL type it states that the version is mandatory (as per MAL type in the xml).

Depending on Roger's answer a RID may be required.



Morning:           BB review / RID discussion + Reporting to MOIMS


Jung-Hyun Lee (Korean Space Angency)

Clement Hubin-Andrieu (CNES)

Peter van der Plas (ESA)

David Frew (ESA)

Guillermo Buenadicha (ESA)

Geoffrey Lochmaier(NASA)

Christoph Lenzen (DLR)

Maria Woerle (DLR)

Olivier Page (UKSA)

Quinten van Woerkom (ESA) Online

MOIMS slides

Moon initiative inputs

Time permitting, additional RIDS from DLR and if available time, from PvdP

Afternoon:         MOIMS Closing Plenary

RID conclusion discussion

Group agreements

Agreement on the summary slides for MOIMS.

Discussion and agreement on the bullet input for the Lunar Interoperability forum of following week.

Test specs changes

Questions to Roger

Guillermo Buenadicha, SCI-SOE
Euclid SOC Operations Coordinator
SCO-02 Technical Responsible
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) ESA
Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid, SPAIN
Phone  (34) 686 50 52 68
guillermo.buenadicha at esa.int<mailto:guillermo.buenadicha at esa.int>

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