[Moims-mp] MP&S WG meeting 4/6/2024 minutes

Peter Van Der Plas Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int
Wed Jun 5 09:36:06 UTC 2024

Dear all,

Please find below the minutes of the MP&S WG meeting from yesterday. Let me know if I missed something.

Best regards,



Subject: Mission Planning & Scheduling WG meeting
Date and time: 4 June 2024, 16:00 - 17:00 CET
Location: WebEx

Attendance list

- Peter van der Plas (ESA, chair)
- César Coelho (ESA)
- Christoph Lenzen (DLR)
- Clément Hubin (CNES)
- Dave Frew (ESA)
- Eric Ferguson (NASA)
- Geoff Lochmaier (NASA)


1. Blue Book Agencies Review Status
2. Open Issues from Washington Meeting
3. Blue Book editing and tables generation
4. Preliminary RID review
5. AOB


1.  Blue Book Agencies Review Status

The Agencies Review of the MP&S Red Book is currently open. Closing date is 15 July 2024. An email was sent to the WG with the details. The Red Book is publicly available for download on the CCSDS Review page. Please use the RID template (Excel Spreadsheet) previously provided.

The list of preliminary RIDs is on the GDrive. The final RIDs shall still be submitted using the formal process. Please note that the official Red Book may be slightly modified compared to the previous draft. As such, please make sure that page numbers and section numbers are still correct in your final RIDs.

All Agencies shall coordinate the review and submit a single set of RIDs with unique Agency numbering to the Review Coordinator (Peter) and copy to the CCSDS Secretariat.

2. Open Issues from Washington Meeting
Now Roger is back from leave, the issues on his name can be clarified. A quick check of the MoM was performed by the WG, to identify who would be the contact point for each of the open issues.

3. Blue Book editing and tables generation

Quinten (with support of Cesar) will perform an investigation of the current tools and potential improvements. There is no decision yet if this will already be put in place for the Publication of the Blue Book, or at a later stage. This work should be performed before mid-July if feasible.

4. Preliminary RID review

Topic put on the agenda for the next WG meeting (26 June). The current list is available on the Google Drive. Preliminary dispositions are available on the major issues. For the next WG meeting, the WG is invited to provide additional RIDs for discussions. Please inform Peter in advance of the meeting, such that a shortlist for discussion can be made.

5. AOB

The next Prototyping meeting is planned on Monday 17 June 16:00 - 17:00 CET, the Teams invite has been sent. Peter will lead the meeting in the absence of Dominik.

The next WG meeting is planned for Wednesday 26 June, 16:00 - 18:00 CET, the WebEx invite has been sent. Agenda will focus on the preliminary RID discussion.

Best regards,


ESA - European Space Agency

Peter van der Plas
EGSE and Ground Systems section (TEC-SWG)
Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality

Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299, NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int<mailto:Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int> | www.esa.int<http://www.esa.int/>
Mobile +31 6 81 75 01 50 | +31 6 51 93 44 30

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