[Moims-mp] Minutes of the MP&S WG meeting on 24 July 2024

Peter Van Der Plas Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int
Thu Jul 25 10:10:53 UTC 2024

Dear all,

Please find below the minutes of the MP&S WG meeting of yesterday.




Subject: Mission Planning & Scheduling WG meeting
Date and time: 24 July 2024, 16:00 - 18:00 CET
Location: WebEx

Attendance list

- Peter van der Plas (ESA, chair)
- Eric Ferguson (NASA, deputy chair)
- Cesar Coelho (ESA)
- Christoph Lenzen (DLR)
- Clement Hubin (CNES)
- Maria Woerle (DLR)
- Marvin Wittschen (DLR)
- Matt Dailis (NASA)
- Quinten van Woerkom (ESA)
- Roger Thompson (ESA)


1. Announcements
2. RID Processing
3. AOB


1. Announcements

  *   The Agencies Review of the MP&S Blue Book has closed: 276 RIDs received in total from 4 agencies (CNES, DLR, ESA, NASA).
  *   CCSDS Fall Meeting in London 4-8 November 2024:

  *   Planning of the Fall Meeting: Monday morning are the Plenaries. We will start Monday afternoon with the Working Group and will meet until (and including) Friday morning.
  *   Meeting venues are Clayton Chiswick Hotel and British Standards Institute building, both at Chiswick High Road, Chiswick, London.
  *   UKSA will be providing block booking codes for several hotels in the area in the coming weeks.
  *   Roger notes that the area round the BSI is not too interesting, so it might be worthwhile (for those interested) to book a hotel somewhere else.

2.  RID processing

  *   We will use the spreadsheet on the GDrive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ka2-SYpxzsAgzrCIt40P1x4IbjmUkn7b?usp=drive_link
  *   There are 4 new columns added to the RID table:

  *   Related RIDs (P)
  *   WG Disposition (Q)
  *   Document Update or Clarification (R)
  *   Reviewer Comments (S)

  *   We will finalise the Disposition based on consensus in the WG and with the Reviewer. Finalised RIDs could be marked for example green. Both Reviewers and WG Members are free to add any comments in column S for discussion in the WG.
  *   Roger: It might be useful to add a column indicating which aspect of the Standard is affected by the agreed disposition. Conclusion: We will add a column to indicate whether the Blue Book/Service Spec/XML File Formats are affected, and if it affects the prototyping. Peter will think offline what the best way to implement this is, but probably just a dropdown menu.
  *   Editorials will be processed offline by Quinten/Peter. Any editorials impacting the standard will be addressed in the WG. Feedback is welcome, please use column S for this.
  *   The GDrive document will automatically track changes. Regular back-ups should be made by Quinten/Peter just in case.
  *   The first CNES RIDs were processed. RID processing will continue next week.

3. AOB

  *   Next meeting dates: 31 July and 14 August, 16:00 - 18:00 CET, agenda: RID dispositioning


ESA - European Space Agency

Peter van der Plas
EGSE and Ground Systems section (TEC-SWG)
Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality

Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299, NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int<mailto:Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int> | www.esa.int<http://www.esa.int/>
Mobile +31 6 81 75 01 50 | +31 6 51 93 44 30

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