[Moims-mp] Minutes of the MP&S WG meeting on 3 July 2024

Peter Van Der Plas Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int
Thu Jul 4 09:04:22 UTC 2024

Dear all,

Please find below the minutes of the MP&S WG meeting of yesterday.




Subject: Mission Planning & Scheduling WG meeting
Date and time: 3 July 2024, 16:00 - 18:00 CET
Location: WebEx

Attendance list

- Peter van der Plas (ESA, chair)
- Eric Ferguson (NASA, deputy chair)
- Cesar Coelho (ESA)
- Christoph Lenzen (DLR)
- Clement Hubin (CNES)
- Dave Frew (ESA)
- Geoff Lochmaier (NASA)
- Guillermo Buenadicha (ESA)
- Quinten van Woerkom (ESA)
- Roger Thompson (ESA)
- Olly Page (UKSA)


1. Announcements
2. Prototyping Status
3. Blue Book Agencies Review
4. AOB


1. Announcements

  *   New Deputy Chair: Eric Ferguson (NASA) has been appointed Deputy Chair of the MP&S WG during the last CESG meeting
  *   Approved CWE Projects: new projects for the MP&S Information Model Magenta Book and the 5-year revision of the MP&S Green Book have been approved by CMC
  *   Blue Book Agencies Review: currently ongoing with RID deadline 15 July 2024

2.  Prototyping Status
A prototyping meeting was held on 17 June 2024. Currently, work is ongoing on merging the DLR and GMV branches in the GIT repository.

3. Blue Book Agencies Review

  *   Review Status and Logistics: The Agencies Review is ongoing with RID deadline on 15 July 2024. In ESA, the RID deadline is earlier, to allow an internal consolidation of the RIDs.
  *   Feedback on Red Book: Feedback from Eric and Quinten was discussed, in advance of the formal RID submission and discussion.
  *   Planning and way forward: The plan is to disposition the RIDs shortly after the deadline of 15 July 2024. The availability of the WG members during the holiday season was checked and RID discussion meeting dates were identified (see below). After the RID dispositions are available, there will be an iteration required with the RID originators for their concurrence. The update of the Blue Book is then expected to start by the end of August, with Quinten as the Book Editor. RID implementation and concurrence by RID originators can then be expected around the end of September or early October. At that time, the Blue Book should be ready for entering the Publication process.
  *   RID discussion: Peter mentioned some possibilities to further reduce the size of the current Blue Book, such as taking out the detailed definition of the Constraints and publishing in a dedicated Blue Book and taking out the "Definition" query functions (in the PIMS service) and include these in a future Blue Book on the "Configuration Data Management Service" providing a more complete set of services to manage Configuration Data. Peter will submit two RIDs for consideration by the WG.

4. AOB

  *   Next meeting dates: 24 July and 31 July, 16:00 - 18:00 CET, agenda: RID dispositioning

ESA - European Space Agency

Peter van der Plas
EGSE and Ground Systems section (TEC-SWG)
Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality

Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299, NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int<mailto:Peter.van.der.Plas at esa.int> | www.esa.int<http://www.esa.int/>
Mobile +31 6 81 75 01 50 | +31 6 51 93 44 30

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