[Moims-ipr] (no subject)

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Mon Apr 21 06:51:15 EDT 2008

Dear David,

I suggest that you prepare a consolidated output addressing all the raised
comments and concerns (e.g. conceptual paper, Charter update, resources,
schedule). I will then send it to the CMC


CCSDS Management Council (CMC) Polling
Authorization to create the Digital Repository Audit and Certification
Working Group

The Mission Operations and Information Management Services Area (MOIMS),

 - Many CCSDS member agencies and other organizations are currently producing
digitally encoded information at an increasing rate, and that
- These collections are held in a number of digital repositories (archives),
and that
- So far there have been no independent criteria to objectively judge whether
or not any of these archives have been adequately protecting their digital
holdings, and in particular whether the information in those
holdings will remain understandable and usable by their Designated
Communities in the future, and

- there is a demand for a standard against which Repositories of digital
information may be audited and on which an international accreditation and
certification process may be based,

RESOLVES that a digital Repository Audit and Certification Working Group be
formed in
accordance with the attached charter.
ASI Bruca Loredana ADOPT

BNSC Allan Peter ADOPT PROVISIONALLY (i.e., if stated condition is satisfied)
I originally voted to directly accept this, but I have no problem with Mike's

CNES Soula Jean-Marc ADOPT

CSA Hartman Leo ADOPT PROVISIONALLY (i.e., if stated condition is satisfied)
I agree that the changes to the charter that Mike suggested should be carried

I think it's very important work and it was very insightful on the part of
CCSDS to invest in the area but concerns about appropriate mandate seem hard
to avoid. I think it would be prudent for the sake of the contribution to
date and of the OAIS community that we consider extending the charter to
include the effort of finding a new home in ISO for OAIS related work.

DLR Pilgram Martin ADOPT PROVISIONALLY (i.e., if stated condition is
satisfied) Producing Books for auditing and certification should include a
concept, who is doing both after the generation of the books. Can that be
done from the owner of the archive, or are the WG planning to be the auditing
and certification group afterwards?

ESA Kaufeler Jean-Francois ADOPT

FSA Secretariat Proxy ADOPT

INPE Bergamini Eduardo ADOPT PROVISIONALLY (i.e., if stated condition is
satisfied) This is an "ADOPT" vote. However, it is opportune to express that
the comments attached to the other votes, so far, express views that are
pertinent to the context. Digital Repository Audit and Certification
procedures are a natural complement to the already existing, fundamental OAIS
concept. Which is also a subject of interest of ISO, already transformed in a
standard (ISO 14721), in its domain. To the extent CCSDS only originated
resources may be critical, it is being pondered why not consider a joint,
liaison work with a possibly existing, appropriately selected ISO TC/WG, for
the development of the subject which is under proposal by the charter ? It
could, concurrently, possibly become a CCSDS Magenta Recommendation and an
ISO Standard, as well. It is worth to remind that "Goal 1" of the proposed
CCSDS WG is also expected to become, in advance, a requirement criteria for
compliance by an ISO Trusted Digital Repository which, in its turn, is
another standard, yet to be probably developed by ISO, as it is being
expressed by the charter.

JAXA Junjiro Nakahara ADOPT

NASA Kearney Mike ADOPT PROVISIONALLY (i.e., if stated condition is
satisfied) For the sake of expedient formation of a working group, I am
voting "adopt provisionally" and stating the following provisions:

Based on conversations with the Area Director, the red book identified is
destined to become a magenta book, and the resources listed are incomplete
(missing reviewer manpower and magenta book production).  Therefore the
charter must be updated to reflect all of the manpower that the agencies are
expected to commit, and the schedule must reflect the production of a magenta
book.  Also the usual concept paper is not being produced because of "other
material" that is already available between the more than 100 associates in
the wiki and mailing-list. The charter should at least have some statements
that reflect where this other material is, to support the CMC evaluation of
the concept of the working group.

Other agencies should consider whether these changes are appropriate to be
fixed with "adopt provisionally" or if they are too extensive to warrant this

Additionally NASA needs to reiterate that NASA funding doesn’t support this,
and NASA has a general concern that this effort expends resources (including
Secretariat, etc.) for work that is not squarely in the space data systems
domain.   However, we don’t currently object to other agencies working these
topics in CCSDS.

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