[Moims-ipr] Fw: [CESG] Tentative locations/dates: next three CCSDS
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Wed Jan 31 12:30:49 EST 2007
----- Forwarded by Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA on 31/01/2007 18:29 -----
"Adrian J. Hooke"
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CCSDS Engineering Steering Group -
ADs <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
31/01/2007 18:25 Subject
[CESG] Tentative locations/dates:
next three CCSDS meetings
As discussed last week, here is the proposed set of tentative CCSDS meeting
dates/locations for Fall 2007, Spring 2008 and Fall 2008. Please comment on
this schedule, which has been adjusted to avoid conflicts with SpaceOps 2008
and the customary autumn religious holidays. While ESA and NASA have
confirmed the dates and places for Fall 2007 and Spring 2008, we are still
waiting for DLR to confirm Fall 2008.
Note also the proposed change in meeting format. In order to give the Area
Directors adequate time to prepare their reports, the Monday after the main
week will be allocated to them. In addition, it is proposed to move the
ISO/SC13 meeting up to begin after lunch on that Monday, so that its schedule
is fixed. The CMC and the CESG will then meet together for two days - Tuesday
and Wednesday - and the CMC will wrap-up by Thursday at noon. This should
allow all people to get home before the weekend.
Best regards
FALL, 2007: Location - Darmstadt, Germany; Host - ESA
-- CCSDS Technical Plenary: 01-05 October 2007
-- CESG work day (Area Directors): 08 October, AM and PM
-- SC13: 08 October, PM
-- CESG/CMC joint: 09-10 October
-- CMC wrap-up: 11 October
SPRING, 2008: Location - Colorado Springs, USA; Host - NASA
-- CCSDS Technical Plenary: 22-26 April 2008
-- CESG work day (Area Directors): 28 April, AM and PM
-- SC13: 28 April, PM
-- CESG/CMC joint: 29-30 April
-- CMC wrap-up: 01 May, AM
FALL, 2008: Location - Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany; Host - DLR
-- CCSDS Technical Plenary: 13-17 October 2007
-- CESG work day (Area Directors): 20 October, AM and PM
-- SC13: 20 October, PM
-- CESG/CMC joint: 21-22 October
-- CMC wrap-up: 23 October
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