[Moims-ipr] [CESG] - MOIMS Resolution Nr 1 - 4 (MOIMS-IPR WG-R-2007-01-00x)

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Fri Feb 2 11:42:12 EST 2007

CESG Chair
The following resolutions have been approved by MOIMS AD. A CESG Poll is
needed. The docs are also attached.

MOIMS-IPR WG-R-2007-01-001, Resolution recommending approval of the new
version of the MOIMS DAI WG Charter.

The MOIMS Area,

CONSIDERING that the Data Archive Ingestion WG has updated during the last
CCSDS Workshop its charter;

and RECOGNIZING that the DAI WG has requested that the updated charter be
concurred by the CESG and released to the CCSDS CMC for approval;

RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group initiates a poll
addressing this Area request.


MOIMS-IPR WG-R-2007-01-002, Resolution recommending approval of the new
version of the MOIMS IPR WG Charter.

The MOIMS Area,

CONSIDERING that the Information Packaging & Registries WG has updated during
the last CCSDS Workshop its charter;

and RECOGNIZING that the IPR WG has requested that the updated charter be
concurred by the CESG and released to the CCSDS CMC for approval;

RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group initiates a poll
addressing this Area request.


MOIMS-IPR WG-R-2007-01-003, Resolution recommending approval of the new
version of the MOIMS NAV WG Charter.

The MOIMS Area,

CONSIDERING that the Navigation WG has updated during the last CCSDS Workshop
its charter;

and RECOGNIZING that the NAV WG has requested that the updated charter be
concurred by the CESG and released to the CCSDS CMC for approval;

RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group initiates a poll
addressing this Area request.


MOIMS-IPR WG-R-2007-01-004, Resolution recommending approval of the new
version of the MOIMS SM&C WG Charter.

The MOIMS Area,

CONSIDERING that the Spacecraft Monitoring  WG has updated during the last
CCSDS Workshop its charter;

and RECOGNIZING that the SM&C  WG has requested that the updated charter be
concurred by the CESG and released to the CCSDS CMC for approval;

RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group initiates a poll
addressing this Area request.

(See attached file: MOIMS-SMC-WG charter 070120.doc)(See attached file: MOIMS
DAI CharterJan2007.doc)(See attached file: MOIMS-ipr-charter012607.doc)(See
attached file: MOIMS-Navigation_Working_Group-Charter-200701.doc)
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Name: MOIMS-SMC-WG charter 070120.doc
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Url : http://mailman.ccsds.org/pipermail/moims-ipr/attachments/20070202/c3b42ccf/MOIMS-SMC-WGcharter070120-0001.doc
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Name: MOIMS DAI CharterJan2007.doc
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Size: 65536 bytes
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Url : http://mailman.ccsds.org/pipermail/moims-ipr/attachments/20070202/c3b42ccf/MOIMSDAICharterJan2007-0001.doc
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Name: MOIMS-ipr-charter012607.doc
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Url : http://mailman.ccsds.org/pipermail/moims-ipr/attachments/20070202/c3b42ccf/MOIMS-ipr-charter012607-0001.doc
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Size: 48128 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : http://mailman.ccsds.org/pipermail/moims-ipr/attachments/20070202/c3b42ccf/MOIMS-Navigation_Working_Group-Charter-200701-0001.doc

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