[Moims-ipr] [CESG] - MOIMS Resolution Nr 5 (MOIMS-SMC WG-R-2007-01-005) Adoption of XTCE 1.1 by CCSDS

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Tue Apr 17 12:35:53 EDT 2007

CESG Chair
The following resolution has been approved by MOIMS AD.

MOIMS-SMC WG-R-2007-01-005, Resolution recommending adoption by CCSDS of the
recently approved XTCE OMG Standard.

The MOIMS Area,

CONSIDERING that OMG Board of Directors have finally approved XTCE 1.1 as
technology recommendation (XTCE RTF Final Report dtc/2006-12-02 , plus schema
file dtc/2006-11-06 , plus convenience document dtc/2006-11-03 )

and RECOGNIZING that all steps agreed between CCSDS CMC and OMG authorities
for the XTCE approval have been successfully concluded

RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group initiates the required
action for the adoption by CCSDS of the OMG XTCE Technology Recommendation


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