[Moims-ipr] CESG- MOIMS (4) Resolutions for the Navigation WG
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Sun Oct 16 13:11:51 EDT 2005
CESG Chair
The following four resolutions have been approved by MOIMS and should be
transmitted to the CESG via a poll to seek its approval
The latest version of each document is available at CWE: TDM v1.19, ADM v2.5,
NDM/XML v1.8 and GB v2.6
NOTE: The TDM is the highest priority (due to IOAG request).
MOIMS-NavWG-R-2005-10-001, Resolution recommending progression of Tracking
Data Messages - TDM (CCSDS 503.0-W-1.19) to Red Book status.
The MOIMS Area,
CONSIDERING that the Navigation WG has completed work on the proposed
Recommended Standard Tracking Data Messages - TDM (CCSDS 503.0-W-1.19);
and RECOGNIZING that the Navigation WG has requested that the document be
progressed to Red Book status and released for CCSDS Agency review;
RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group initiates a poll
addressing this Area request.
MOIMS-NavWG-R-2005-10-002, Resolution recommending progression of Attitude
Data Messages - ADM (CCSDS 504.0-W-2.5) to Red Book status.
The MOIMS Area,
CONSIDERING that the Navigation WG has completed work on the proposed
Recommended Standard Attitude Data Messages - ADM (CCSDS 504.0-W-2.5);
and RECOGNIZING that the Navigation WG has requested that the document be
progressed to Red Book status and released for CCSDS Agency review;
RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group initiates a poll
addressing this Area request.
MOIMS-NavWG-R-2005-10-003, Resolution recommending progression of XML
Specification for Navigation Data Messages - NDM/XML (CCSDS 505.0-W-1.8) to
Red Book status.
The MOIMS Area,
CONSIDERING that the Navigation WG has completed work on the proposed
Recommended Standard XML Specification for Navigation Data Messages - NDM/XML
(CCSDS 505.0-W-1.8);
and RECOGNIZING that the Navigation WG has requested that the document be
progressed to Red Book status and released for CCSDS Agency review;
RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group initiates a poll
addressing this Area request.
MOIMS-NavWG-R-2005-10-004, Resolution recommending release of the Navigation
Data - Definitions and Conventions Green Book Issue 2 (CCSDS 500.0-G-2.6)
The MOIMS Area,
CONSIDERING that the Navigation WG has completed work on the new Issue 2 of
the Navigation Data - Definitions and Conventions Green Book (CCSDS
and RECOGNIZING that the Navigation WG has requested its publication in
support of the CCSDS review of the ADM, TDM and NDM / XML documents;
RECOMMENDS that the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group initiates a poll
addressing this Area request.
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