[Moims-ipr] Re: [Moims-dai] Proposed IPR/DAI telecons in October
and November
GianMaria.Pinna at esa.int
GianMaria.Pinna at esa.int
Wed Oct 12 04:30:15 EDT 2005
unfortunately I'm not available on Monday nor Tuesday, would it be possible
to have this teleconference on Wednesday?
Gian Maria
| | Louis Reich |
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| | 12/10/2005 06:51 |
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| To: moims-ipr at mailman.ccsds.org, moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org |
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| Subject: [Moims-dai] Proposed IPR/DAI telecons in October and November |
IPR and DAI members,
I would like to schedule an IPR telecon for next Monday
or Tuesday(17-Oct or 18-Oct) for 1.5 hour 10;00 -11:30 EDT
The purpose of this telecon is to sync up after a long summer
break and set schedules for deliverable before the:Toulouse workshop.
1. Begin Planning the MOIMSs DAI/IPR Worksop 5-9 December in Toulouse -ALL
2..Reports the status of all agency XFDU prototype or testbed activities
-Arnaud,Don/Dan,Stephane,Gian Maria
3 SAFE-lessons learned and issues - Syephane
4 Ativities from Atlanta CCSDS heeting affecting IPR and DAI - Lou
1XML Standards and Guidline
2.SANA services needed for XFDU schema management
4. IPR Status report -Lou and Sergey
XFDU Redbook and best practices- Lou
XFDU Toolkit- Sergey
5. DAI status report
SIP - Claude/Daniele
Certification - Don
I believe we will need another telecon the following week to address
questions/issues arising from this telecon.
Please reply immediately to inform of your availability on Monday and
Tuesday so we can make more solid plans.
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delete without copying and kindly advise us by e-mail of the mistake in
delivery. NOTE: Regardless of content, this e-mail shall not operate to
bind CSC to any order or other contract unless pursuant to explicit written
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for such purpose.
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