[Moims-ipr] IPR Telecon on Wed !5 June at 1000-1200 EST

Louis Reich lreich at csc.com
Fri Jun 10 11:22:51 EDT 2005

Hi everyone,

Based on the responses I have recieved, the IPR telecon will be held on Wed
15 June at 1000-1200 EST (0700-0900 PST, 15:00-17:00 London, !6:00-1800
 The telecon is a dialin telecon.
The phone numbers are:

In the US and Canada - 1 877 841 9268
In Europe - 1 225 383 9085

Meeting Code -  893464

The agenda is stated below. The versioning and namespace paper and a
summary of changes made to the XFDU schema based on the Spring workshop
will be sent on Sunday so everyone in Europe will get them on Monday
morning. Some preliminary work on Best practices will be distributed on

Talk to you soon,


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                      Reich/CIV/CSC            To:      <moims-ipr at mailman.ccsds.org>                                      
                      @CSC                     cc:      moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org                                        
                      Sent by:                 Subject: [Moims-dai] IPR Telecon Request -Week of 13-17 June                
                      06/07/05 07:03                                                                                       
                      Please respond                                                                                       
                      to MOIMS-Data                                                                                        

IPR members,

I would like to schedule an IPR telecon for the week of 13-17 of June. The
telecon will be from 1000 -12:00 EST. Please notify me by 9-June of any
dates you will not be available to allow me to best schedule the date.
The topics will include:
1. Scheduling of Fall IPR/DAI workshop     - All
2.Discussion of XML Namespace and Versioning Issue Concept Paper
-(distributed by Lou by 10-June-2005) - Lou/Sergey
3.Briefing on  XFDU Java/C++ Wrapper” (xfdu-1-0-beta-4)- Stephane
4. Testbed/Prototype Reports -NASA,ESA CNES
5. Overview of XML Best Practices Matrix - Lou/Sergey (draft material
distributed by Lou 13 June) Lou/Sergey
6.Other topics (Please send other topics before 9 June so I can develop

DAI members are welcome to attend the telecon. We will discuss the
scheduling of the fall workshops as the first item.



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