[Moims-ipr] CCSDS Documents

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Fri Apr 23 02:05:19 EDT 2004

Dear all,

Please find attached the following documents for your information.

1.  Issue-2 of the CCSDS Restructuring document,"Restructured CCSDS Organization
and Processes" (CCSDS A02.1-Y-2). This was approved by the CMC by e-ballot in
December 2003 and just been published by the Secretariat (April 2004). An
advance copy is attached to this message.

(See attached file: CCSDS A02.1-Y-2.pdf)

2. Draft update (April 2004) to the "CCSDS Operating Plan" (CCSDS A01.2-Y-2),
which contains the current working group structure and charters. CMC is
requested to approve this document at the upcoming CMC meeting in Montreal.

(See attached file: CCSDS-OpPlan-CCSDS A01.2-Y-21.pdf)

Just for your info: The CESG has asked again to every Agency the resource
commitment ahead the Montreal meeting, such that we can have it before our Area

An example is attached of what has been requested.

(See attached file: Example-Apr04.pdf)

The Documentation Map is as follows:

(Embedded image moved to file: pic26899.jpg)

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Name: CCSDS A02.1-Y-2.pdf
Type: application/pdf
Size: 536053 bytes
Desc: Adobe Portable Document
Url : http://mailman.ccsds.org/pipermail/moims-ipr/attachments/20040423/08f7916d/CCSDSA02.1-Y-2-0001.pdf
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Name: CCSDS-OpPlan-CCSDS A01.2-Y-21.pdf
Type: application/pdf
Size: 330238 bytes
Desc: Adobe Portable Document
Url : http://mailman.ccsds.org/pipermail/moims-ipr/attachments/20040423/08f7916d/CCSDS-OpPlan-CCSDSA01.2-Y-21-0001.pdf
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Name: Example-Apr04.pdf
Type: application/pdf
Size: 72120 bytes
Desc: Adobe Portable Document
Url : http://mailman.ccsds.org/pipermail/moims-ipr/attachments/20040423/08f7916d/Example-Apr04-0001.pdf
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