[Moims-ipr] Re: [CESG] MOIMS Area Worshop No 1: Plenary and Management Report

Peter Shames moims-ipr@mailman.ccsds.org
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 12:29:30 -0700


In your list of attendees you missed Amalaye Oyake, Peter Shames, and 
David Giaretta.  Other participants included Joan Dunham, Ed Shaya, 
and Dan Smith from GSFC.

In general I agree with the set of issues and with Adrian's response 
to them.  We will agree to look at the SANA issues as prt of the 
discussions within the upcoming SEA meetings.  We request that we 
have one or more members of MOIMS / IPR avaailable to participate in 
these discussions.

On the matter of Docushare, it is clear that we have both some 
confusion about how it works, problems with how it was organized, and 
learning curve problems with the users.  As Tom Gannet points out, we 
could fix it easily by making the Secretairat the gatekeeper, but I 
suggest that we take that option as a last resort.

In the interim I suggest that we clean up the current structure and 
fix it so that it is much clearer what documents go where.  The 
admins within the Secretariat can do this and I would recommend that 
they do so as quickly as possible.

Regards, Peter Shames

At 1:15 PM +0100 10/14/03, Nestor.Peccia@esa.int wrote:
>Dear all,
>The MOIMS Area Workshop No1 Plenary and Management report was loaded under the
>following url:
>You will also find it attached to this e-mail (for your convenience)
>(See attached file: CCSDS-MOIMS-Plenary-WS1-WAS-03-10-03.pdf)
>Content-type: application/pdf; name=CCSDS-MOIMS-Plenary-WS1-WAS-03-10-03.pdf
>Content-disposition: attachment;
>  filename=CCSDS-MOIMS-Plenary-WS1-WAS-03-10-03.pdf
>Content-description: Adobe Portable Document
>Attachment converted: Orgone HD:CCSDS-MOIMS-Plenary-WS1-WAS.pdf (PDF 
>/CARO) (000947C4)


Peter Shames
Manager - JPL Information Systems Standards Program
InterPlanetary Network and Information Systems Directorate
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 301-265
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91109 USA

Telephone: +1 818 354-5740,  Fax: +1 818 393-1333

Internet:  Peter.Shames@jpl.nasa.gov
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive at where we started, and know the place for the first time"

T.S. Eliot