[Moims-dai] MOIMS-DAI Resolutions

david at giaretta.org david at giaretta.org
Thu May 2 18:48:08 UTC 2024

Hi Daniel


Yes, those we request that those 4 documents should be published.

I will send you the final Word versions next week. We discuss and resolve
RIDS using http://review.oais.info, which has the full discussions of each

This also includes the minor RIDS from the ISO reviews.


To answer your other  questions:

*	You mention interaction with the Security WG. What did you discuss
with them?

*	We answered some questions from Charles Sheehe from NASA GRC. No
changes to our documents resulted from these contact.

*	What is the rationale for establishing the relationship with

*	CASCO is concerned with conformity assessments for all ISO standard
and is relevant for our standards about Audit and Certification.







From: Daniel Fischer <Daniel.Fischer at esa.int> 
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2024 6:54 PM
To: david at giaretta.org
Subject: MOIMS-DAI Resolutions


Hi David,


>From the slides I read that you would like me to issue resolutions for the
publication of the following four documents:

*	CCSDS 653.0-R-1: Information Preparation to Enable Long Term Use
(IPELTU) (ISO 23507) 
*	CCSDS 650.0-P-2.1: Reference Model for an Open Archival Information
System (OAIS) (ISO 14721) 
*	CCSDS 652.0-P-1.1: Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital
(ISO 16363)
*	CCSDS 652.1-P-2: Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and
Certification of Candidate Trustworthy Digital Repositories  (ISO 16919)


Can you please send me the final version of the word files with all the RIDs
from the Agency Reviews implemented (ideally as track changes) and the RID

With that I can issue the resolutions for publication.


Also I have few questions on your slides:

*	You mention interaction with the Security WG. What did you discuss
with them?
*	What is the rationale for establishing the relationship with


Regarding your question on the past resolutions and polls, you can find them
here: https://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/Lists/CESGPollQuestion/open.aspx







ESA - European Space Agency
Daniel Fischer  I  Head of Ground Segment System and Cybersecurity

Ground Segment Engineering and Innovation Department
Directorate of Operations
ESOC I Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel: +49 6151 902718
Daniel.Fischer at esa.int <mailto:Daniel.Fischer at esa.int>    I
<http://www.esa.int/> www.esa.int


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