[Moims-dai] R: Reminder of DAI call tomorrow
Roberta Svanetti
Roberta.Svanetti at dedagroup.it
Tue Mar 5 14:53:20 UTC 2024
Hi David,
I apologize today I cannot attend our meeting.
Thank you
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Roberta Svanetti
Head of Enterprise Content Management
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Deda Cloud srl
[cid:image004.png at 01DA6F14.DFD49150]<https://securitysummit.it/milano-2024>
Da: MOIMS-DAI <moims-dai-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> Per conto di David Giaretta via MOIMS-DAI
Inviato: lunedì 4 marzo 2024 16:53
A: MOIMS-DAI List <moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org>
Cc: david at giaretta.org
Oggetto: [Moims-dai] Reminder of DAI call tomorrow
**ATTENZIONE**: Questo messaggio proviene da un ACCOUNT ESTERNO, presta attenzione ad eventuali link o allegati al suo interno.
Meeting: 10:00 Tuesday (Washington DC time), 1500 UK time, 1600 Paris time.
If you do not receive a notification from Skype then please join it by clicking the link: https://join.skype.com/ykyu5SIPhSnD
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Draft agenda:
1. Apologies
2. Review of agenda
3. New attendees?
4. CCSDS/ISO RIDS to review and resolve (I hope). See the attached file for the responses we have so far. We have closed almost all but the following one remains:
1. http://review.oais.info/show_bug.cgi?id=371 - any last comments/thoughts?
1. OAIS-IF – if there is time
* draft BB – see https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4f5kcv0wn8jl74aeg2nz7/OAIS-IF-Core-Specification-v9.doc?rlkey=0r9cx6tc632s2u32wyvnsc326&dl=0 – small updates from last week’s discussion
* see https://github.com/dgiaretta/OAISIF?tab=readme-ov-file for some examples - incomplete
* Making the APIs consistent between the draft BB and MB.
* Updated GB draft is https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/odc8i4uda23v4fx60ksju/OAIS-IF-Rationale-Scenarios-and-Requirements-20230914.docx?rlkey=8jhmvvv52kkstvpuis4tb7f6d&dl=0. There is an expanded discussion of RepInfo in section 9.
* Steve’s latest draft Magenta book is available at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ydy1vkbal4idj18wur2f8/02_White_Book_Recommended_Standard_OAIS-IF_Draft_221017_v5.3-06_CCSDS_230828_Magenta_Description_CLCE.pdf.docx?rlkey=1elmlj5zd5bbg0lq59yrde9ng&dl=0 – he may be sending an update.
* Draft Yellow Book –<https://www.dropbox.com/s/4fkjciqf7klmn0p/OAIS-IF%20Interoperability%20Test%20Plan%20202303.docx?dl=0> Roberta
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