[Moims-dai] OAIS-IF observations
Massimo Schiavon
Massimo.Schiavon at dedagroup.it
Tue Apr 30 14:40:39 UTC 2024
Here is a summary of the observations presented in the today's meeting.
JSON payload Inconsistencies:
Almost all field names use PascalCase except DataObject.size, InformationPackage.PDI.Provenance.DataObject.size and InformationPackage.version
The field InformationPackage.PDI.Fixity.RepresentationInformation.IdentifierType has a value of "URL" all the others use the more generic type "URI"
In the GIP example InformationPackage.InformationObject.RepInfo.OtherRI.OrGroup field is a JSON Object but in AIP example InformationPackage.InformationObject.RepresentationInformation.AndGroup.OtherRI.OrGroup is a JSON Array
In the GIP example, field InformationPackage.InformationObject.RepInfo instead of InformationPackage.InformationObject.RepresentationInformation
General suggestions:
Use RFC 7807 - Problem Details for HTTP APIs (ietf.org)<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807> to represent errors
Avoid HATEOAS, stick to maturity level 2 of Richardson Maturity Model<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richardson_Maturity_Model#Level_3:_Hypermedia_controls>
Endpoint paths should return a single type of data. For instance use an endpoint for collection of objects (ex. /pdis) and another for accessing a specific object (ex. /pdis/123 where 123 is th ID of the desired PDI). The first returns a list of PDI objects, the second a PDI object
It's ok to provide JSON Schema spec for JSON payloads, but the OpenAPI spec is also needed
SpecificAdapterController.java - example of using OpenAPI and Spring MVC annotations to produce APIs and OpenAPI specification
application.yml - Spring Boot properties I use to configure Spring and SpringDoc
Best regards
Massimo Schiavon
IT Systems Architect
Deda Cloud srl
[Scopri di più]<https://www.officeautomation.soiel.it/il-punto-sulla-cybersecurity-secondo-deda-cloud/>
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