[Moims-dai] FW: Creation of a European Technical Committee in CEN on “Management and preservation of digital content”

garrett at his.com garrett at his.com
Tue Oct 27 03:49:09 UTC 2020



From: Saim Riaz <Saim.Riaz at standards.org.au> 
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020 6:37 PM
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Subject: FW: Creation of a European Technical Committee in CEN on “Management and preservation of digital content”
Importance: High


Dear SC 11 members


On Wednesday 28th October at 10:30 am (Paris Time – UTC+1), AFNOR is hosting Q&A web-session to present the subject proposal.


Please see the appended invitation email for further details.






Saim Riaz

ISO TC 46 / SC 11 Committee Manager

Level 9, 20 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 

GPO Box 476 Sydney NSW 2001 

P +61 2 9237 6103  |  F +61 2 9237 6010  |   <http://www.standards.org.au/> www.standards.org.au

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From: Maëlle Gaonac’h <maelle.gaonach at afnor.org <mailto:maelle.gaonach at afnor.org> >
Reply to: Maëlle Gaonac’h <maelle.gaonach at afnor.org <mailto:maelle.gaonach at afnor.org> >
Date: Monday, 26 October 2020 at 11:06 pm

Subject: Creation of a European Technical Committee in CEN on “Management and preservation of digital content”


Dear members, 


As you may know, AFNOR has proposed the creation of a European Technical Committee in CEN on “Management and preservation of digital content”. The committee would focus on the development of standards on management and process, answering specific European needs in link with the EU regulation (GDPR and eIDAS). 


You are kindly invited to the Q&A web-session hosted by AFNOR on Wednesday 28th October at 10:30 am (Paris Time – UTC+1), to present this proposal, answer your questions and discuss the subject.


You may register at the following URL: https://afnor.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtde2srD8rHtYO7FnaoNLPj_ELvYe0ACQz 

After registration, you will receive an email with all the information to attend the web session. 


For any further information, please contact Fanny Lannoy – fanny.lannoy at afnor.org <mailto:fanny.lannoy at afnor.org>  or Fabienne Ramirez – fabienne.ramirez at afnor.org <mailto:fabienne.ramirez at afnor.org> 


Best regards, 


Maëlle Gaonac'h





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