[Moims-dai] Notes from meeting today

david at giaretta.org david at giaretta.org
Tue May 26 16:47:54 UTC 2020

We resolved a large number of suggested changes to ISO 16363 today.


The remaining open items are:


44          unclear  - ACTION ON STEVE

245        waiting Mark’s feedback – ACTION ON MARK

257        waiting John’s feedback – ACTION ON JOHN

279        this is probably the most complex but I have proposed consolidated changes – ACTION ON ALL TO REVIEW

280        waiting Mark’s feedback – ACTION ON MARK


321 was closed but raised the issue of whether, and if so then how, we should make it even clearer that preservation if more than backup - ACTION DAVID


Please look at the remaining open issues for ISO 16363 and add comments.




From: MOIMS-DAI <moims-dai-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of david at giaretta.org
Sent: 26 May 2020 12:40
To: MOIMS-DAI List <moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: Re: [Moims-dai] Reminder of Skype call Tuesday - focus on ISO16363


Dear all


I have looked at all the remaining suggested changes for ISO 16363. I hope the following summarises the position:


(remember that for example 278 can be quickly found at http://review.oais.info/show_bug.cgi?id=278  etc)


44          unclear

245        waiting Mark’s feedback

257        waiting John’s feedback

278        agreement seems to have been reached

279        this is probably the most complex but I have proposed consolidated changes

280        waiting Mark’s feedback

311        agreement seems to have been reached

313        agreement seems to have been reached

314        agreement seems to have been reached

315        needs some discussion

316        agreement seems to have been reached

317        agreement seems to have been reached

318        agreement seems to have been reached

319        agreement seems to have been reached

320        agreement seems to have been reached

321        needs some discussion


Note that I closed 119 and 310 as duplicates of 280 and 279 respectively.


I suggest that people should take a quick look at the one’s I marked as “agreement seems to have been reached". The question is  CAN WE CLOSE THEM?


I hope Mark and John can look at ones needing their specific feedback.

279 needs careful reading, the discussion has gone between me, John and Mark largely.

That leaves 44, 315 and 321 which need some discussion.








From: david at giaretta.org <mailto:david at giaretta.org>  <david at giaretta.org <mailto:david at giaretta.org> > 
Sent: 24 May 2020 20:43
To: MOIMS-DAI List <moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org <mailto:moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org> >
Subject: Reminder of Skype call Tuesday - focus on ISO16363


Meeting: 10:00 Tuesday (EST), 1500 UK time, 1600 Paris time


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 <https://join.skype.com/ykyu5SIPhSnD> https://join.skype.com/ykyu5SIPhSnD


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General schedule:

Tuesday of the month


Technical Editor(s)


ISO 16363    Audit and Certification Metrics

John Garrett, David Giaretta


IPELTU Info Preservation Enabling Long-Term Usage

David Giaretta, Roberta Svanetti


OAIS-IF DAADD    OAIS Interoperability Framework – Digital Archive Architecture Design Doc

Steve Hughes


OAIS update finalization, Group administration, Planning, new projects, or special issues identified other weeks



OAIS update finalization, Group administration, Planning, new projects, or special issues identified other weeks




Draft agenda this week (4th Tuesday of the month): 

The main discussion should be item 4. 

Status updates on other items.


Please be sure to look at the http://review.oais.info site and add your comments.


1.	We are using  <http://review.oais.info> http://review.oais.info  to track actions – see  <http://review.oais.info/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&list_id=2522&order=Importance&product=ACTIONS&query_format=specific> http://review.oais.info/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&list_id=2522&order=Importance&product=ACTIONS&query_format=specific
2.	IPELTU – see updated version - https://www.dropbox.com/s/sqef3y3h0oprgd9/CCSDS653.0R1-20200523.doc?dl=0
3.	OAIS – waiting for confirmation from Peter Shames.
4.	ISO 16363 – we may be able to resolve all the suggested changes. Remember to review suggested changes particularly the following which we want to close this week:

a.	http://review.oais.info/show_bug.cgi?id=278
b.	http://review.oais.info/show_bug.cgi?id=279
c.	http://review.oais.info/show_bug.cgi?id=280
d.	http://review.oais.info/show_bug.cgi?id=311
e.	http://review.oais.info/show_bug.cgi?id=245
f.	http://review.oais.info/show_bug.cgi?id=44
g.	http://review.oais.info/show_bug.cgi?id=313


also http://review.oais.info/show_bug.cgi?id=314 - http://review.oais.info/show_bug.cgi?id=321


5.	OAIS-IF – Steve circulated an updated diagram on Sunday.









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