[Moims-dai] FW: [CCSDS-All] REMINDER - Registration for the Spring 2019 CCSDS Technical Meetings Closes Friday 5 April 2019

garrett at his.com garrett at his.com
Thu Apr 4 19:31:05 UTC 2019

Hi DAI WG participants,


For those not on CCSDS All mailing list, I just wanted to remind you that
registration for the CCSDS meeting at Ames in May is closing tomorrow.  If
you will attend in person, you need to complete your free registration by

You do not need to register to attend only by Skype.


Peace and joy,



From: CCSDS-All <ccsds-all-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of CCSDS-All
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 1:17 PM
To: ccsds-all at mailman.ccsds.org
Cc: Roger Thompson <roger.rocketbrain at btinternet.com>
Subject: Re: [CCSDS-All] REMINDER - Registration for the Spring 2019 CCSDS
Technical Meetings Closes Friday 5 April 2019


Dear CCSDS Members,


A further reminder, registration for the Spring 2019 CCSDS Technical
Meetings will close tomorrow, Friday, 5 April 2019. If you intend to attend
the Spring 2019 CCSDs Technical Meetings, please register as soon as
possible. Please share this message with any of your colleagues who may not
receive emails from CCSDS or are not regular CCSDS participants, but who may
wish to attend these meetings. Again, my thanks to all of you who have
already registered. Please let me know if you have any questions about the
meetings or registration either on the CWE or with NASA Ames Research


Best regards,


Michael Blackwood

CCSDS Secretariat

W: 301-837-3901 | michael.blackwood at asrcfederal.com
<mailto:michael.blackwood at asrcfederal.com> 

7515 Mission Drive, Seabrook, MD 20706

ASRC Federal | Customer-Focused. Operationally Excellent.


From: Blackwood, Michael D. 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 10:28 AM
To: ccsds-all at mailman.ccsds.org <mailto:ccsds-all at mailman.ccsds.org> 
Cc: 'Roger Thompson' <roger.rocketbrain at btinternet.com
<mailto:roger.rocketbrain at btinternet.com> >
Subject: REMINDER - Registration for the Spring 2019 CCSDS Technical
Meetings Closes Friday 5 April 2019
Importance: High


Dear CCSDS Members,


Please remember that registration for the Spring 2019 CCSDS Technical
Meetings will close this Friday, 5 April 2019. Thank you to everyone who has
already registered. For details and to register, visit
https://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/ProfileSDL/My Profile.aspx
<https://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/ProfileSDL/My%20Profile.aspx> . If your attendance
at the meetings is tentative, please register now. You may cancel your
registration at a later date should it become necessary. The schedule for
the meetings can be found on the meeting information page and at
gs.pdf?Web=1. The schedule may change based on input from Working Group
Chairs and Area Directors. The current schedule will always be available on
the meeting information page.


As was previously noted, meeting attendees who are not United States
Citizens must complete the attached IV Form Part 1 and return it to me with
a scanned copy of your passport. If you applied for a visa to attend the
Technical Meetings, please send a scanned copy of your visa to me as well.
If you have applied for a visa but have not yet received it, please inform
me as soon as possible. You may complete IV Form Part 1 in Microsoft Word or
print the form and complete by hand. The CCSDS Secretariat will submit IV
Form Part 2 for all attendees. The CCSDS Secretariat will submit
registration data for all United States Citizens attending these Technical


All meeting attendees who are not United States Citizens need to submit this
information no later than 5 April 2019.


Again, my thanks to all of you who have already provided this information.
If you have any concerns about meeting this deadline, please contact me as
soon as possible. Also, please let me know if you have any questions about
completing the attached form or any other questions.


Best regards,


Michael Blackwood

CCSDS Secretariat

W: 301-837-3901 | michael.blackwood at asrcfederal.com
<mailto:michael.blackwood at asrcfederal.com> 

7515 Mission Drive, Seabrook, MD 20706

ASRC Federal | Customer-Focused. Operationally Excellent.



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