[Moims-dai] DAI conceptual architecture analysis

John Garrett garrett at his.com
Thu Apr 27 04:27:34 UTC 2017

Hi Peter,


I haven’t seen a response by David, but we would be glad to have you meet with us.  Thursday afternoon is probably best time for us.  We have the presentation you sent and will look at it in more detail.  In a very brief look at it before we discussed it a bit at our telecon yesterday morning, we thought that your comments were very much in line with our current thoughts.  Seems mostly as if you were adding additional detail that we either haven’t gotten to yet or that was more detailed than we thought was appropriate for a CMC paper.  There were perhaps some misunderstandings of our work and likely some misunderstandings of what you sent by us.  So it would be great to meet with you (and anyone else available from the SEA-SA group) to discuss these items in more detail.

Thanks for you review of this material.  Hopefully it will be useful to feed into our planned archive architecture document.  It seems to me as if it will.  By the way, you may know this already, Steve Hughes will be the Technical Editor for that effort.


Thanks for taking time to meet with us.

See you in San Antonio.


Peace and joy,

-JOhn Garrett


From: MOIMS-DAI [mailto:moims-dai-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] On Behalf Of Shames, Peter M (312B)
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 5:55 PM
To: moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org
Cc: Roger Thompson <roger.s.thompson at btinternet.com>; CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [Moims-dai] DAI conceptual architecture analysis


Dear David and the DAI WG,


Roger Thompson and I were requested by Nestor, in his role as the CESG Chair, to perform an in-depth analysis of the proposed DAI conceptual archive architecture.  The results of that analysis are in the attached presentation and have already been sent to the CESG.  These materials have also been reviewed with the SEA SAWG that has been working on the MOIMS and SOIS application and support architecture and it has their concurrence.


As stated in the materials, the intent of this analysis is to improve your White Paper and to assist the DAI WG in refining your vision.  To that end, I would be willing to come and meet with you to explain the conclusions we reached.  Roger will not be available, he is unable to attend this meeting, but I can join you either on Monday, 8 May, in the afternoon, or Thursday, 11 May, also in the afternoon.  


Please let me know if and when you would like to meet.


Best regards, Peter and Roger



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