[Moims-dai] CCSDS PAIS

John Garrett garrett at his.com
Tue Jul 5 13:50:23 UTC 2016

Dear Mr. Kärberg,


We’re glad to hear of your interest in using PAIS along with METS.


It appears as if the PAIS tutorial document is stuck somewhere in the
publication queue an CCSDS has not yet published the document.  So for your
convenience, I’m attaching a draft copy that was circulated for approvals.
Hopefully this will be useful to you.  Our colleagues at BnF, the French
National Library, worked with us to develop the METS information.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions and we would be glad to
hear about your implementation efforts.


Wishing you prosperity and peace,

John Garrett 


From: Tarvo Kärberg [mailto:tarvo.karberg at ra.ee] 
Sent: Monday, July 4, 2016 4:19 AM
To: garrett at his.com
Subject: CCSDS PAIS 


Dear Mr Garret,


I’m contacting you on behalf of the E-ARK project. Kuldar As, the technical
coordinator of the project informed me that a CCSDS PAIS tutorial document
will be released soon and it will contain information about the PAIS SIPs
implementation in METS. We would be very much interested in this as our
information packages are also based on METS. 

I would be grateful for any additional information you may have about the


Kind regards,

Tarvo Kärberg

WP3 (Transfer of Records to Archives) Lead



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