[Moims-dai] NASA Guidance (Records Schedule) for Project/Program Files

Mark Conrad mark.conrad at nara.gov
Thu Jan 7 17:58:10 UTC 2016

Hi Mike,

I am also the one responsible for generating the action item from the
December 22nd meeting as well. As an archivist I am used to a much more
generic information lifecycle framework. Archivists and records managers
use more generic frameworks because we have to deal with
records/information/data that are created in many different contexts. For
example, records/information/data are created in many organizations on a
daily basis in contexts that don't have someone in a formal role of
sponsor. Records/information/data are also generated outside the context of
a particular project.

I guess my main objection was that the title of Information Lifecycle
Framework was not sufficiently qualified to distinguish it from more
generic frameworks like those used by archivists and records managers. The
document as it currently exists could be entitled something like,
Information Lifecycle Framework for Major Projects/Experiments.

I think the document would be very useful in this qualified context. Many
archivist or records managers can tell you horror stories about receiving
calls like, "We have shut down this experiment/project/system, do you want
any of the information." The archivist ends up doing "data archaeology"
trying to see what can be salvaged. Having information reuse considered
from the initiation of a project would make our lives so much easier - not
to mention making the results of the work accessible and usable to a much
wider audience.

Hope this helps explain where my comments come from.


Mark Conrad
NARA Information Services/Applied Research
The National Archives and Records Administration
Erma Ora Byrd Conference and Learning Center
Building 494 Second Floor
610 State Route 956
Rocket Center, WV  26726

Phone: 304-726-7820
Fax: 304-726-7802
Email: mark.conrad at nara.gov
http://www.archives.gov/applied-research/ <http://www.archives.gov/ncast/>
Twitter: @lmc1990

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 6:01 PM, Mike Martin <tahoe_mike at sbcglobal.net>

> Hi Mark and others
> On 1/5/2016 11:52 AM, Mark Conrad wrote:
>> Second, the schedule identifies 8 stages of a project - Formulation,
>> Approval, Design Development, Manufacture, Fabrication and
>> Assembly, Pre-launch System Integration and Verification, Implementation
>> and Operations, Observational Data, and Evaluation and Termination.
> Related to this, there was an action item from the meeting on the 22nd of
> Dec:
> Action: clarify why we need another lifecycle
> I spent many hours going through all the lifecycles in:
> http://www.pnamp.org/sites/default/files/data_life_cycle_models_and_concepts.pdf
> and looking at other archiving documents provided a summary in late 2014
> for the DAI group which is included below.
> Most lifecycles don't really consider the interactions of the three
> participants (sponsor/project/archive).  I wanted our lifecycle to point
> out the importance of the sponsor and archive being involved in the
> initiation of the project and then to point out the need for bringing in
> requirements and tools to the specify and design stages.  The Exploitation
> activities aren't covered in most lifecycles.  I didn't think that all the
> themes in the LTDP (PDSC definition and appraisal, archive operation and
> organization, security, ingestion, maintenance, access and
> interoperability, exploitation and reprocessing, purge prevention) were
> applicable to this document so came up with a shorter list of activities.
> Another thing to mention, the topics/issues came from a list David
> provided from his work on the Active Data Management Plan, plus evaluation
> of all the LTDP Common Guidelines, plus evaluation of all the activities in
> the PAIMAS standard, plus looking at the ESDIS Earth Science Content
> Specification, plus other issues that group members raised.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- Nov
> 20, 2014
> Hi Everyone
> I've gone through all the reference documents we have seen and the
> articles in our bibliography and tried to summarize the unique life cycles
> that are presented.  Here are some summaries with more details below:
> David's:  Planning and Creation Stage->Consolidation Stage->Long Term
> Preservation Stage->Adding Value, Re-Use and Sustainability
> LTDP:    Consolidation->Implementation->Operations
> OAIS+:  Planning->Collection->Analysis->Packaging->Ingest->Data
> Management->Archival Storage->Access->Preservation Planning
> DCC:     Conceptualize->create or receive->appraise and
> select->ingest->preservation action-> store->access->use and
> reuse->transform
> USGS:   Plan->Acquire->Process->Analyze->Preserve->Publish/Share
> SDMW:  Plan->Collect->Integrate and transform->Publish->Discover and
> inform->Archive or discard
> DataOne; Collect->Assure->Describe->Deposit->Preserve->Discover->Integrate
> ->Analyze
> DMF:     Planning and Production->Data Management Activities
> ->Dissemination->Usage Activities
> Can we come up with an optimal set of categories based on all these
> various views?
> Thanks, Mike
> More detail from the various documents:
> 1.  The LTDP preservation workflow includes:
> Initialization (appraisal, define designated community, specification of
> preservation/curation requirements, consolidation procedure, tailoring
> content, consult with community, cost and risk assessment),
> Consolidation (implement consolidation, gather missing content and
> update), Implementation (data ingestion and catalog generation,
> dissemination),
> Operations (operations and maintenance,  curation and stewardship - adding
> value).
> 2.  The OAIS model includes Ingest, Data Management, Archival Storage,
> Access, Management and Preservation Planning.   It is missing Planning
> (meaning enterprise planning), Collecting (Mission Operations, building and
> running the enterprise), Analyzing (producing knowledge) and maybe
> Packaging.  All these occur prior to OAIS, but OAIS should be involved.
> Consolidation could be part of Ingest or possibly an separate activity
> outside the OAIS.  Adding Value could be part of or a combination of
> Preservation Planning or Access.   This model syncs up with RASIM which
> builds advanced information management objects in terms of five services
> which correlate with OAIS components, archive service (ingest), repository
> service (archival storage), registry service (data management), product
> service (access plus archival storage), and query service (access plus data
> management).
> 3.  The Data Curation Centre life cycle includes conceptualize, create or
> receive, appraise and select (with potential to dispose), ingest,
> preservation action (migrate or reappraise), store, access, use and reuse,
> transform (with potential to migrate).
> 4.  The NOAA Environmental Data Life Cycle Functions include planning new
> systems, then stewardship which includes observing operations, archive,
> access, use.   Overarching themes are governance, requirements management,
> architecture management, security; developing rich metadata; and mechanisms
> for user and requirements and feedback.   Each of the major categories has
> many sub-activities.
> 5.  The Global Change Science Requirements for Long-Term Archiving
> Workshop (USGCRP) identified the following components:  User Involvement,
> Data Administration, Documentation, Data Ingest and Verification
> Data Preservation and Maintenance, Data Processing/Reprocessing, Data
> Access and User Support.
> 6.  The USGS Life Cycle includes Plan, Acquire, Process, Analyze,
> Preserve, Publish/Share with three activities running through all phases:
> Describe (Metadata and Documentation), Manage Quality, Backup and Secure.
> 7.  The ESA Heterogenous Missions Accessibility Report really focuses on
> data access and not the other phases.
> 8.  The Harnessing the Power of Digital Data: Taking the Next Step,
> Science Data Management Workshop report provides a number of models:
> FGDC life cycle:  Define, Inventory/Evaluate, Obtain, Access, Maintain,
> Use/Evaluate, Archive.
> Linear data lifecycle: Plan, Collect, Integrate and Transform, Publish,
> Discovery with two activities running through all phases, Governance and
> Stewardship and Communications.
> Basic science model: plan, collect, integrate and transform, publish,
> discover and inform, archive or discard.
> The topics that are identified in the report include:  data governance,
> stewardship, sharing, access, security, version control, metadata
> management, content and format, document and content management,
> preservation, transfer of responsibility, data architecture, database
> operations management, reference and master data management, data
> warehousing and business intelligence, data quality management, provenance,
> usability, value added services, workflow systems.
> 9.  The LPDAAC Lifecycle Plan identifies the phases:  Inception, Active
> Archive, Long-Term Archive which each have four elements, characterization,
> critical data and information, applicable standards, transition.
> The WBS is broken into phases, inception-planning (embed in producer team,
> provide data management plan), inception-production (laison to science
> stakeholders, collection inception checklist, support production, repeat
> experiment, determine approach to tools/services, authorize to migrate,
> provide NASA data template), active archive transition from producer
> (obtain authorization to migrate, plan migration, install new product line,
> migrate, advertise new products, assume primary access and discovery role),
> active archive transition to long-term (obtain authorization to migrate,
> plan migration), long term archive transition to long-term (enable
> migration, execute migration, advertise new products, transfer primary
> access and discovery role, obtain authorization for certification, sunset
> products).
> 10.  DataOne includes Collect, Assure, Describe, Deposit, Preserve,
> Discover, Integrate, Analyze
> 11. Jeff de La Beaujardičre's Data Management Framework
> Planning and Production (Requirements Definition, Planning, Development,
> Deployment, Operations);
> Data Management Activities (Collection, Processing, Quality Control,
> Documentation, Dissemination, Cataloging, Preservation, Stewardship, Usage
> Tracking, Final Disposition);
> Usage Activities (Discovery, Reception, Analysis, Product Generation, User
> Feedback, Citation, Tagging, Gap Analysis).
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