[Moims-dai] Notes on meeting with Vint Cerf

David Giaretta david at giaretta.org
Fri Apr 22 11:36:12 UTC 2016

Hi Bruce


I don’t think that the intention was to say that ALL repositories want to be interoperable.  


The way I interpreted it was that in order to increase use of the standards and also to add value to what is being preserved by increasing its usefulness – interoperability is one important way of doing that. I think we should take that on board and try to show how DAI/RAC standards can be used both for preservation and also for adding value. 






From: moims-dai-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org [mailto:moims-dai-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] On Behalf Of bambacher at verizon.net
Sent: 20 April 2016 20:38
To: moims-dai at mailman.ccsds.org
Subject: Re: [Moims-dai] Notes on meeting with Vint Cerf


If I may make an observation:


1. All of this presumes all digital repositories want to be interoperable, which they may not.


2. Vint Cerf appears to seriously minimize the number of spplications and software used to create digital records requiring preservation.  NARA's scope of the problem study found 15,000+ applications and software routines in use in the federal government.  It is hard enough to crosswalk between geospatial applications let alone cross walking between geospatial applications and office applications and CAD-CAM applications.  I could be over reaching his intentions but even if he only called for inter-operability within a specific discipline, designated community, or data type that is a large problem.


3. Recall the approach of a few test audit sites that ingested data only in a single pre-approved SPSS format, essentially frozen in 30+ years old structure.  They dictated to their Designated Community.  They would not fit Mr. Cerf's generic protocol for sharing data.


4. We need to assert our original goal of developing a standard and an audit process to evaluate digital repositories against that standard as to their ability to  operate a digital repository that can accept digital data, preserve it, and provide it in a usable form to a user when requested.  If we cannot find or develop that market, we certainly cannot develop Vint Cerf's under developed concepts.  


5. We should obviously respond, thank him, state our position and how it fits his challenge.  But, unless he can provide funding and/or FTE to pursue the issue, it is beyond our scope of effort.



On 04/20/16, David Giaretta<david at giaretta.org <mailto:david at giaretta.org> > wrote:


Any objections/updates/additions/corrections?







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