[Moims-dai] Draft Minutes of Today's Meeting

Mark Conrad mark.conrad at nara.gov
Tue Dec 15 16:37:19 UTC 2015

*Draft minutes for review/correction*

*15 December 2015 meeting minutes*

DB: Daniele Boucon
MC: Mark Conrad
JG: John Garrett
TL: Terry Longstreth
MM: Mike Martin

JG-Reviewed changes he made to the Practice for an Information Lifecycle
and Long-term Usuage. The main changes were to Table 5.1.

JG-How do we write the conformance section for this standard?

DB-What about the Issues Outside the Information Model? They are not found
in OAIS.

MC-ISO 16363 covers most of these issues at least at the high level.

MM-Have been working on comments on Table 5.1. Will finish in the next few
days and send it around to this group.

MM- Have prepared a note about how the standard fits into the reference
architecture. If he receives no comments from this group he will send his
note to Peter's group.

Action-All: Provide comments on this standard - particularly Table 5.1.

Action-All: Provide comments to MM about his note on the reference

Next meeting 22 December

Mark Conrad
NARA Information Services/Applied Research
The National Archives and Records Administration
Erma Ora Byrd Conference and Learning Center
Building 494 Second Floor
610 State Route 956
Rocket Center, WV  26726

Phone: 304-726-7820
Fax: 304-726-7802
Email: mark.conrad at nara.gov
http://www.archives.gov/applied-research/ <http://www.archives.gov/ncast/>
Twitter: @lmc1990
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