[Moims-dai] RE: Agenda for tomorrow DAI telecon (4th September)

Mike Martin tahoe_mike at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 3 20:24:48 UTC 2014

Hi David

As far as I know it is at 9am EDT.


On 9/3/2014 12:48 PM, david.giaretta at stfc.ac.uk wrote:
> What time?
> *From:*Boucon Daniele [mailto:Daniele.Boucon at cnes.fr]
> *Sent:* 03 September 2014 11:26
> *To:* MOIMS-Data Archive Ingestion
> *Cc:* Gilles; D or C Sawyer; Tavernier
> *Subject:* [Moims-dai] Agenda for tomorrow DAI telecon (4th September)
> Dear all,
> Please find below the proposed agenda for tomorrow telecon:
> *ISEE Test case
> * PAIS PDS-NSSDC Wrapup Document (email from Mike, 27th August)
> * METS test case: first comments, organization (email from Daniele 13^th
> August)
> 2.* Information Curation Process: comments on documents sent by John
> (email from John, 11^th August), terminology (email from Daniele, 3^rd
> September)
> 3.* DAI registry http://www.sanaregistry.org/r/daixml/daixml.html (link
> towards CCSDS publication page)
> 4.* PAIS and ISO (20104)
> 5.* Next meeting preparation (topics, availability, constraints for agenda)
> 6.* Review of actions (email from John, 21^st August)
> 7.
> _Next telecons_*: *
> ** Tuesday 23**^rd **September*
> ** Thursday 9**^th **October*
> _If available, I propose to use Dave's number __(be careful, new number__):_
> Dave Williams
> Telecon information
> +1-720-259-6462      USA Toll free
> +1-844-467-6272      Others
> Passcode: 841727
> Best regards,
> Daniele
> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *14 August minutes*
> DB: Daniele Boucon
> DS: Don Sawyer
> JG: John Garrett
> MM: Mike Martin
> SM: Stephane Mbaye
> WG: all
> *D=Decision, A=action**(other = discussion)*
> 1.*Comments on the SAFE green book section **(from emails MM 22**^nd
> **July, DB 13**^th **August).*
> 1.MM: Might want to include a url for SAFE documentation.
> DB: agreement on:
> “SAFE (Standard Archive Format for Europe, see reference [X]) is an
> Earth Observation data archiving format standardized through the efforts
> of several European national, institutional and industrial space
> stakeholders. It aims at covering the role of OAIS AIP”
> ·*_Action DB:_*  ask ESA for the reference to the SAFE 2.0 standard
> documentation.
> 2.MM: E1 first paragraph, I don't think many people will understand the
> second sentence.  "It aims ..."  AIP should be spelled out.  Maybe
> something like "It provides a specification for the organization and
> content of an OAIS compatible archive information package."
> DB: ok, with the exact meaning “Archival Information Package (AIP)“
> 3.MM: E1 second paragraph, "These data are from the European Remote
> Sensing Satellite (ERS) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)."
> DB: change to "These data are samples and subset from the European
> Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), and
> tailored for the scope of this test case."
> 4.  MM: E1 third paragraph.  "In the context of this use case," is kind
> of complicated. How about "In this use case" instead.  Also, 'submission
> to an archive" instead of "submission into".  "The approach followed in
> this tutorial intends to show the possibility of:"  should be "This
> tutorial illustrates".
> DB: agree with these proposals.
> MM: As you can see, I am finding grammatical issues with every single
> paragraph.  Someone needs to carefully edit all the text in this
> section, but I don't have time to do in now.
> ·*_Action all (at the end)_*: overall reading of the document
> (consistency, coherence, grammatical issues, …)
> 5.MM: The diagram Figure E-4 shows the three sub-collections of the root
> collection.  I would expect to see a relation-association in the root
> that "contains" each of these sub collections.?  So I guess the arrows
> in the figures are generated by the parentCollection specification in
> each child collection.
> DB: (not sure I correctly  understand the issue). You’re right: In the
> CNES tool, the plain arrows are designed from the root towards the
> leaves, while actually the link in the XML files are specified into the
> sub collections or the leaves towards the parent element (the element
> “parentCollection”).
> MM: I brought this issue of downward and upward pointers or associations
> up in our discussions last year and Stephane seemed to think the upward
> pointers were the appropriate ones.  I am concerned that having two ways
> of specifying the same thing may be dangerous.  Anyway, I think there
> should be some guidance on this issue.  The question is: why does Don
> include "contains" associations from the root collection to the transfer
> objects in his example when Daniele doesn't include them between the
> collection and sub collections in her example?
> DB: the “contains” association (“relationType) is not mandatory at all.
> I guess it is for better description and understanding. The
> “parentCollection = NASA_ESA_CNES_Test_Data_Exchange_02” in the Transfer
> Object is sufficient to explain the parent-child relationships between
> both nodes.
> That’s why in the ESA SAFE case this association has not been put over
> the parent-child relationship.
> 6.MM: Why are the relations in the SAFE test case at the dataObject
> level and not at the transfer object level as they are in the ISEE test
> case?
> DB: Up to the Producer and Archive to decide what makes sense.
> In the “Simple case” where there are 4 group types, the association is
> described from the exact data object inside the right group type.
> In the “Detailed case”, the association could have been drawn from the
> Transfer Object, because there is only one group type and one data
> object inside. The choice of the data object as source of the
> association is to draw the parallel between simple and detailed case. In
> this case, both descriptions are possible.
> Discussion on “open” possibilities in the standard, such as the way to
> express associations.
> MM: informal expression of elements in the MOT -> practical use?
> DS: different ways to model the same situation -> not easy to understand.
> DS: Try to normalize the diagram?
> MM: make the documentation clearer.
> 7.MM: Why are the groupTypeStructureName entries "SET" in the simple
> case and "Directory" in the detailed case?
> DB:  In both cases the “physical” high level group for the products on
> the Producer side is a directory and could have been viewed as
> “directory” “EO_PRODUCTS”.  In fact this level has not been modeled.  So
> in the simple case we have a group (mandatory) of  one zip file that is
> the product itself -> viewed as a “set”, in the detailed case we have a
> group (mandatory) of one directory that is the product itself containing
> different files -> viewed as a “directory”.
> DS: give more explanation in the tutorial (see point 2 below).
> ·*_Action DB:_*give explanation on the reason why using group structure
> name = “directory” in the detailed case, and “set” in the simple case
> (from Minutes 14^th August).
> ·*_Action DB:_*updated version of the ESA SAFE test case with comments
> from the 14^th August telecon.
> 2.*Overall comments on Green Book **(from emails MM 22**^nd **July, DB
> 13**^th **August).*
> 1.MM: Should show one example of a hierarchy of collections.
> DB: agree, with advice on the choice of collections: link between the
> physical organization on the Producer side, the physical organization of
> the delivery, the design of the MOT.
> ·*_Action SM_*: check there is a section about the hierarchy of
> collections in the tutorial. If not, add it with example and explanation
> (from 14^th August telecon)
> 2.MM: Tutorial should provide a short demonstration of every type of
> group structure: directory, set, sequence or undescribed structure.
> [Note: the word "undescribed" does not show up in some spelling
> dictionaries]
> DB: agree. From discussion with other people, seems not so easy to
> understand, particularly the fact that there is no direct link with the
> SIP model (delivery), except the “transferObjectGroupInstanceName in the
> case of “directory” in the sipTranferObjectGroupType), and that, a “Set”
> is physically included in a directory.
> Questions that occur: What should be modeled? Which levels? Links or not
> with the delivery (way data are delivered to the Archive)?
> MM:tutorial should contain precise examples (same case/SIP with the
> different possibilities, when to use “directory” or not, “sequence” …).
> ·*_Action SM_*: check there is a section in the tutorial about the type
> of group structure (directory, set, sequence, undescribed). If not, add
> it with the same case showing the different possibilities and why use
> one or the other (from 14^th August telecon).
> 3.MM: Tutorial should demonstrate the use of dataObjectTypeFileOccurrence.
> DB: agree, also to avoid potential confusion with dataObjectTypeOccurrence.
> ·*_Action SM_*: check there is a section in the tutorial about the
> dataObjectTypeOccurrence (from 14^th August telecon).
> 3.*Comments on ISEE section **(from emails MM 22**^nd **July, DB 13**^th
> **August, DS 14**^th **August)**.*
> 1.  MM: Page 1, second paragraph, this sentence doesn't logically follow
> the preceding sentence.  "This gives the Archive the ability to apply
> some automation in reviewing the received SIPs so they can be checked
> for conformance to the agreed plans, and this helps to reduce errors."
> DS: Yes, I’ve changed the order of the last 2 sentences.
> 2.   MM: Page 2, first paragraph, I am uncomfortable with this wording.
> "The tree hierarchical levels"
> DB: the hierarchical tree structure?
> DS: I’ve deleted ‘tree'
> 4.MM: Page 2, last line, "how it should be broken into", I would prefer
> "divided into" or some other wording.
> DS: Don:  I’ve made it ‘divided'
> 5.Page 3, first paragraph, "Since the Transfer Object is the smallest
> unit of data that can be sent in a SIP and Transfer", I don't think this
> is worded quite right. The transfer object is the smallest unit that can
> be deleted or replaced, but not the smallest unit that can be sent.
> DS: the Transfer Object can’t actually be divided for sending. Another
> wording?
> DS: The key is that a Transfer Object can’t be split across SIPs.  I’ve
> updated the wording.
> 6.Page 3, third paragraph, "extensive validation requirement", should be
> "requirements".
> DD and DS: ok
> 7.Page 3.  I got lost reading paragraph 5.  It seems like it repeats a
> lot of the previous paragraph but adds a few details.  I think it needs
> to be simplified, building on the previous paragraph.
> DS:  The 4th paragraph talks about the types of Transfer Objects, while
> the 5th paragraph talks about the actual results of matching the
> Descriptor with the directory.  However I’ve made a few updates to the
> 4th paragraph for clarity, and I’ve deleted the 5th paragraph because it
> is now redundant with the next section discussion the MOT.
> 8.Page 4. The MOT section is redundant to what was on page 3.  Is all
> the redundancy required?
> DS:  No, see above.
> 9.Page 5, paragraph 2, The words "data" and "metadata" preceding
> "Transfer Objects" should be in bold type to match earlier paragraphs.
> DS:  I’ve taken away the bold attribute.
> 10.Page 5, section 6.1.2, why the underlined words?
> DS:  They are not there when track changes is turned off, unless I
> missed something.
> 11.Discussion on the SIP Manifest (email from DS 14^th August).
> The problem is that the CU organization among the SIP Manifest is not
> coherent with the organization of the Groups in the Descriptor.
> ·SIP Manifest should be corrected, and see why not correctly generated
> by the SIP builder?
> ·Validation on the SIP Manifest not done at the organizational level
> (perhaps only at the ID level) in the CNES proto.
> ·*_Action SB_*: correct the generation of the ISEE SIP Manifest from the
> SIP Builder
> ·*_Action DB_*: understand the validation at the group structure level
> from the CNES proto.
> CU organization among the SIP should be:
> XFDU CU Transfer Object for data
>          XFDU CU Satellite Group ISEE1
>                XFDU CU Yearly Group 1978
>                    XFDU CU data file 0001
>                    XFDU CU data file 0002
>                    XFDU CU data file 0003 (The above is consisted with
> the new manifest, but then the manifest continues with a new XFDU CU
> Satellite Group.  Instead it should continue with the next satellite,
> ISEE2, as a group  with the same year, as follows.)
>          XFDU CU Satellite Group ISEE2
>                XFDU CU Yearly Group 1978
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>                    XFDU CU data file …
> (Then a new Transfer Object)
> XFDU CU Transfer Object for data
>          XFDU CU Satellite Group ISEE1
>                XFDU CU Yearly Group 1979
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>          XFDU CU Satellite Group ISEE2
>                XFDU CU Yearly Group 1979
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
> (Then a third Transfer Object)
>    XFDU CU Transfer Object for data
>          XFDU CU Satellite Group ISEE1
>                XFDU CU Yearly Group 1980
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>          XFDU CU Satellite Group ISEE2
>                XFDU CU Yearly Group 1980
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>                    XFDU CU data file ...
>                    XFDU CU data file …
> ·*_Action DS_*: generate a new ISEE test case version with the updated
> SIP Manifest
> 4.*Other topics*
> JG: RAC standard for bodies now ISO standard. First training class
> planned first week of October (John is one of the teachers).
> *End of 14 August minutes*
> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *Part of historical minutes to be reminded*
> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
>   2. *_GREEN BOOK_*
> *2.1 _TOC for test cases_*
> ** on the content of the sections,*
> ** on the title of the sections*
> ** on the following question:* is that better to describe the SIP
> constraints with the MOT (in section 6.1.3), or in a global section on
> SIPs (section 6.1.4)?
> Discussion:
> Brief introduction about the sub-TOC by Stephane.
> John and Don: / SIP constraints, included in 6.1.3/
> *Current Structure:*
> *6*... *Use Cases. 6-1*
> 6.1/NAME/– /TITLE/.. 6-1
> Description
> *Decision on the Structure:*
> *6*... *Use Cases*
> 6.1/NAME/– /TITLE/.
> 6.1.1Context And Benefits
> /Contains description + what this test case shows/
> /                give explanation at the beginning of each test case of
> the specificity of the test case, and how the method applies/
> 6.1.2Objects to be transferred
> same as /TEST_CASE_NAME/DATA SET/: contains the description of all the
> information (data, documents, …) that have to be transferred, and how
> this  information is organized on the producer side/
> 6.1.3Model OF OBJECTS For transfer and sip constraints
> /contains the description of the mot and the sip types and sequencing
> constraints/
> 6.1.4sips
> /Contains the description if  SIP IMPLEMENTATION AND TRANSFER/
> /Contains an example of SIP manifest./
> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *_2. GREEN BOOK_*
> *2.2 _Test cases review_*
> *_2.2.3 ESA-SAFE test case_*
> The 2 models have been shown during the 19-20 March LTDP meeting.
> Exchanges between CNES, Gael and ESA on data sets.
> First version of the green book part -> to be first reviewed by Daniele
> and Stephane, then send to the group.
> ==> _Action Daniele (with Stephane)_: review the ESA SAFE test case,
> then send it to the group.
> LTDP actions (from 7th November meeting)-> *_closed_* during the 19-20
> March meeting
> 25.3
> LTDP_WG#26
> Model the SIP Data Objects at the level of SAFE Metadata and Data Object
> in order to allow the transfer of sub-parts of SAFE products in
> different SIPs
> 25.4
> End November 2013
> Gather any useful documents to allow the prototype development/tailoring
> and provide the EO-SIP of ERS for Test.
> *_2.3 ISEE1-2  test case_*
> Test case nearly finished.
> Mail sent by Don 5th May "Partial update for Section 6.1": material for
> "ISEE - a typical use case"
> MM: the history of the test case is not useful in the Green Book (was ok
> in the yellow book). Needs to show clear test cases -> highlight what
> the test case brings.
> DB: this test case shows the main features of the PAIS. Could have
> interest showing the differences between how the data are organized on
> the Producer side, how the data are modeled in the MOT (intermediary
> repositories may not be modeled with groups), how they are gathered in SIPs?
> SM: the attached files (descriptors …) could be put at the end of each
> specific test case part, and then at the end we'll see how to organize
> the whole document gathering the different test cases.
> *_2.4 COROT  test case_*
> Daniele explains that CNES is pushing to get the CoRoT L0 data use case
> (from Daniele and Stephane) – for information this has to be finished by
> 13 May to get a chance to be used for L1 data.
> *_2.5  METS  test case_*
> Daniele had a meeting (9 April) with BNF that could help building a METS
> implementation of SIPs (documents).
> Daniele introduces the need from BnF of transferring references to
> objects instead of the target objects themselves.
> Stephane: this is ok for XFDU
> => _Action Stephane_:   Provide example of XFDU with referenced data
> objects (remote URL or URI)
> Don finds a priori relevant
> Decision: Nothing to do on that topic until further inputs from Bn
> *_2. PDS4  test case _*
> Mail sent by Mike (5h May): 2 figures and text for section 6.3
> "Planetary Data System - a non XFDU implementation"
> Discussion on figure "PDS4 Bundle and Collection linkages": this is the
> current PDS4 Bundle description.
> Data are localized via URN.
> MM: this figure is an overview of what the PDS4 bundle looks like.  Same
> for every PDS archive. The test data sent before conform to this generic
> figure.
> Figure "PDS4 SIP Organization"
> MM: for NSSDC, show that Manifest is better than bundle level.
> Mike has sent a complete email to Daniele concerning the CNES PAIS
> software (issues, context and associated files).
> For the moment, Daniele is looking for a MAC machine to re-play the
> scenario in order to be able to undrestand the problems.
> Mike will try it on a PC.
> => _Action Daniele_: deliver the CNES proto software to John (ASAP)
> There was a brief discussion of Mike’s e-mail (4th December) addressing
> the PDS4 Bundle organization and Don’s e-mail response (19th December)
> with possible modeling options.  Mike agreed that a hierarchy is a
> requirement for a bundle.  Don gave two options.  The first is a single
> Collection Descriptor holding a single Transfer Object, where the
> ‘group’ capability of the TO is used to completely model the bundle with
> the option of cutting off the modeling at any point by use of the
> ‘undescribed’ attribute.  This approach would be consistent with past
> PDS/NSSDC practice of transferring a PDS volume to NSSDC with the only
> requirement on NSSDC being the ability to return the volume unaltered.
> In other words, PDS did not expect NSSDC to look into the volume and
> provide any services, such as replacement, at a lower level of
> granularity.  The second option would be to model the bundle as composed
> of multiple Transfer Objects under multiple Collection Descriptors.  For
> example, there would be a set of Collection Descriptors corresponding to
> the PDS4 standard named collections, and under each of these there would
> be Transfer Objects and possibly more Collection Descriptors.   There
> are a lot of possibilities for how the resultant model might look.  The
> advantage of modeling a bundle as consisting of multiple TOs is that it
> facilities replacement at the TO level, rather than the whole bundle, if
> that becomes a requirement.  Regardless, it should not be too difficult
> to have PDS4/NSSDC specific software what would start from a basic
> bundle model and then create a complete MOT by examining an existing
> bundle.  It could be integrated with a SIP builder, but it would
> probably be preferable to have the MOT exchange with NSSDC prior to any
> SIP exchange to reduce confusion and ensure both parties were ‘on the
> same page’.
> Don agreed to look at Mike's example Descriptors to see how they might
> fit into the above options.
> ==> _action Mike_: send samples of data
> What could really help in the use of the PAIS by the PDS, is a proposal
> of implementation without use of XFDU. To be done.
> Suggestion from John: use XFDU, and then an XSLT style sheet to
> translate into another language (to be confirmed, not sure my
> understanding was correct).
> A PDS product = a Transfer Object.
> A bundle = PDS tree data set. The size of the bundle is 1.7 Go, but
> files inside are quite small, around 250 ko).
> ==> _Action Stephane_: propose a SIP implementation without XFDU
> ==> _action all_: send comments on Mike's information on PDS4 sample
> (email 30th October)
> 22 April telecon: From file : met_abstract_sip_manifest.xml
> MM: The file is a _flat_ list of PAIS elements from SIP Model (PAIS BB
> §6) and some elements deriving from XMAN (PDS4).
> SM: sent a tc5-pds4-20140401.pdf providing an example of Non-XFDU SIP
> implementation also reusing the SIP Model elements from PAIS BB §6, but
> with a structure of nested elements.
> DS: reminds that nesting is not mandatory with respect to the PAIS BB §5
> abstract SIP model. The structure of the manifest may depend from the
> context and what the Producer and the Archive actually want to convey.
> SM: agrees that the provided example(s) are not implementing the PAIS BB
> §5 from scratch but are all reusing the SIP Model elements built for
> XFDU but getting rid of the XFDU elements. This may be confusing.
> SM: the elements of the SIP Model built for XFDU require a nested
> structure, at least to identify to which Group occurrence a Data Object
> belongs to, or to which Transfer Object occurrence a Group instance
> belongs to. Alternate elements could have allowed a flat structure as
> for XMAN.
> WG: The WG agrees that this in-between implementation may be confusing
> in the GB and a fully independent implementation should be preferred.
> WG: agrees that a table, a checklist or any other means that could help
> a user validating./tracking the level of implementation could be helpful
> in the GB e.g. is the Goup ID identified, is the SIP ID provided, other
> IDs, MIME types, etc.
> __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
>   2. *_GREEN BOOK_*
> The Green Book has been split into several files, one for the core, and
> one per test case.
> => _Action Stephane_: provide a description of the document breakdown
> and links to the shared repository
> *2.3 _Core document_*
> Section 4.1.1 reviewed (ok)
> Tabular representation is welcome but question remains about their
> systematic use (need an XML version in annex ?)
> CCSD0014: equivalent to TO Descriptor, and CCSD0015: equivalent to
> Collection Descriptor
> ==> _Action Stephane_ from MM: explain more the CCSD0015: how it is
> registered and reference where more information could be found on that
> subject
> Don:  descriptorModelID has to be changed on any XSD change
> (specialization), the Archive has to maintain the versions
> Section 4.6.1 about PAIS XSD description should remain here for the time
> being
> John: The SANA registry is supposed to reference the (latest ?) PAIS XSD
> only (TBC). It is however sure that it should not contain any other
> resource e.g software, XML examples, etc.
> « open » enumeration technique is cumbersome (TBC)
> ==> _Action (All):_ table in section 4.6.4 should be reviewed for
> (during) next telecon
> Comment from previous telecons on method
> * (Daniele): there are steps that conform to the PAIMAS process (first
> model, SIP constraints, then transfer and validation).
> * Link between the data base on the Archive side, and the PAIS XML
> elements: example on how to match both (core document, test case?).
> The following paragraph will be suppressed if ok:
> *_XML namespace for PAIS _*
> John suggested that we pass the proposal on namespaces by SANA and
> Nestor and Peter as XML Co-chairs to make sure they agree.
> ==> _action Stephane (20130821)_*/: /*send proposal on namespace to
> SANA, Nestor and Peter, and ask if they have any objection to our proposal.
> Use previous email sent by John to introduce Stephane in the group.
> It is agreed that not all positions where a pais :any element are
> possible have to be documented in the GB. Only a few example are
> necessary or even one.
> More concrete example should be provided than the abstract
> « foo »/« bar » currently proposed. Typical example would be a
> Collection holding a pais :any with the author of the descriptor, the
> Collection name/ID in the Producer semantic, or anything else that could
> be specific to the Producer or the Archive side but not provided in the
> PAIS definitions.
> For time constraints, the WG jumped to the section 4.6.4 of the draft GB.
> SM: Reminded that « true » restrictions of XML Schema guarantees that
> the original PAIS XML Schema’s rule are still applicable. Any instance
> following a restriction follows the original ones.
> SM: The use of restrictions does not impose any system to use the
> derived PAIS schemas. Therefore, the restricted schemas have not to be
> shared with any user of the produced SIPs. The project specific schemas
> could even be discarded without losing control of the produced SIPs.
> => D – (DS) The rightmost column of the table in §4.6.4 shall be renamed
> « Restriction » instead of « Content »
> MM: It is not clear that this table should be kept in that form or
> discarded at the end, but the target should not spend too much pages on
> that topic.
> WG: restrictions may be interesting for implementers and as such should
> be documented, but it is not clear if this should be proposed as a
> recommendation or a best practice.
> SM: reminded that restricting elements such as the maxOccurrence’s
> should be a recommended practice since it can be very difficult to
> implement interoperable software exchanging elements of
> xs:nonNegativeInteger type.
> SM: proposed to add prepared templates of restricting XML Schemas in
> annex. Something that could help implementers to quickly setup the
> restrictions of their needs.
> WG: adding XML Schema’s in annex may not be so helpful because cut and
> paste from PDF may be very cumbersome.
> => D – (JG) these XSD shall be placed side to the originals.
> SM: The problem is similar to other GB resources as the use case
> descriptors or the software prototypes.
> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *_Preservation process _*
> DB: LOTAR representative is ok with "preservation", but not with
> "curation" (this word is not used in the community).
> MM: links should be made between MTDP and warehousing. Not clear with
> the structure of the process for the moment.
> Discussion on terminology: preservation vs curation.
> LTDP definitions:
> ·*Preservation:*aims at the generation of a single, consistent,
> consolidated and validated */“EO Missions/Sensors Dataset” /*and at
> ensuring its long term integrity, discovery, accessibility and
> usability. It is focused on an individual Mission/Sensor or on a
> multi-mission Dataset (when one Master Dataset is made up of data coming
> from different missions/sensors) and tailored according to its specific
> preservation/curation requirements. It consists of all activities needed
> to ensure “EO Missions/Sensors Dataset” bit integrity over time and to
> optimize (in terms of format and coverage) its (re)use in the long term
> (e.g. through metadata and catalogue improvement, algorithms evolutions
> and related (re)processing, linking and improvement of
> context/provenance information).
> ·*Curation: *aims at establishing and increasing the value of */“EO
> Missions/Sensors Datasets” /*over their lifecycle, at favouring their
> exploitation through the combination with other Datasets and at
> extending their user base. It includes the activities for the definition
> of the preservation objectives, for the coordination and management of
> Data Time Series and Collections (e.g. from similar sensor family) in
> support to specific applications. It includes international cooperation
> activities
> OAIS definitions:
> *Long Term Preservation*: The act of maintaining information,
> Independently Understandable by a Designated Community, and with
> evidence supporting its Authenticity,
> over the Long Term.
> *Authenticity*: The degree to which a person (or system) regards an
> object as what it is purported to be. Authenticity is judged on the
> basis of evidence.
> Authenticity: in the sense of "original". This is not crucial in the
> domain of scientific data, but is an issue. Integrity could be a way to
> prove authenticity.
> We note that the LTDP definitions are not clear nor completely coherent.
> There is a mixture of both preservation/curation concepts in both
> definitions.
> Furthermore, the  group thinks that the term "curation" used in the LTDP
> definition does not fit the usual usage, another term should be used.
> The sens is nearer of knowledge management.
> Daniele will send tomorrow a summary of her comments.
> => _Action Daniele_: ask David for preservation/curation definition.
> => _Action all_: give comments and proposals as input for the LTDP
> terminology and steps of workflow. -> *_for Monday at the latest._*
> _Previous discussion:_
> To be done: analyse and suggest, at different stages of the project
> (during data lifecycle), what should be done on an archiving point of view.
> Example of main issue: keep documentation up to date (when changes in
> formats, processing, … are made on the data).
> The LTDP has written a document "PDSC" (Preservation Data Set Content),
> explaining what kind of information (data, software, documents, …)
> should be collected and at what step of the project.
> The subject is wide, Mike asks to focus on specific parts.
> Daniele explains her point of view: develop a "model" (magenta book)
> gathering all the basic components of the preservation activity
> (selection and appraisal, data and metadata preparation, access,
> maintenance …) that should cover all the data lifecycle (even when data
> don't exist), in order to be able to answer the following question: what
> should be done from the beginning till the end to be able to preserve
> data, and at what moment? This should be done in a generic way, making
> links on standards related to basic components when they exist.
> Suggestion to ask Barbara Sierman of existing works concerning this
> topic. Mail sent the 7/02 by Daniele.
> ==> _Action Daniele_: write and send more precise elements on this
> process to the group.
> ==> _Action all_: send comments.
> Nestor will send for the new project approval once the ¨PAIS BB has been
> published.
> Daniele underlines the need for CNES and LTDP group. CCSDS expertise
> will be very important.
> The PDS has its internal process ; for other agencies (particularly the
> LTDP member agencies) this process doesn't exist and is required.
> Question on how to make the link between a global process and the PAIMAS
> phases.
> 20131030 Don's email and following discussions:
> Don: The process could be focussed on the Archive point of view, and
> seen an internal OAIS issue for workflow, using then more OAIS concepts.
> The "provenance" is practically a big issue, going back to the original
> information.
> "Reprocessing, curation, stewardship" could be maped with OAIS
> migrations, new versions, …
> Update procedures exist at NSSDC.
> Daniele: appraisal should be the starting point. Workflow, on the
> Archive side, could begin early in a space project, even when data don't
> yet exist ; link with the Archive side of the PAIMAS.
> => _action all_: exchange on high level process (3 main steps
> preparation/preservation/maintenance) and links with PAIMAS phases for
> return to the LTDP group.
> ==> _action Daniele_: follow the work of LTDP group on preservation
> process, and send all available information to the DAI group on this
> subject.
> Need for return on the preservation process from all.
> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> *_Other subjects _*
> *_OAIS Magenta Book (French version)_***
> Daniele has received the complete updated French version.
> Complete validation to be performed now (text and figures)
> This version will be also validated by the French National Archives.
> Due to the amount of work on the PAIS, and priority to the PAIS green
> book, this will be treated after.
> *_XML schema for DEDSL _*
> Seems possible for CNES to write the document on the model on the
> existing other DEDSL standards. At CNES, XML schema for DEDSL is already
> created and implemented.
> Prototypes: CNES has already tested it on operational tool. This could
> play the role of prototype, and this could be enough.
> Nestor explained John that a 2nd prototype is required.
> A possibility could be to produce not a blue book, but a document that
> won't required 2 prototypes (orange book). To be more discussed.
> ____________________________________________________________________________________________
> --
> Scanned by iCritical.
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