[Css-rasg] RE: RA BOF Initiation, reply requested re telecon date

Barkley, Erik J (317H) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Dec 2 13:27:27 EST 2009

My mistake - it turns out Wednesday at 700 local time is not so good for me.  May I suggest a preference then for the Thursday date (10 December) with Friday as an alternate?

From: css-rasg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org [mailto:css-rasg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] On Behalf Of Barkley, Erik J (317H)
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 9:47 AM
Subject: [Css-rasg] RA BOF Initiation, reply requested re telecon date

CCSDS BOF Colleagues,

You should have seen a note indicating your subscription to the CCSDS Reference Architecture BOF, or as CMC has ended up calling it, a "SuperSIG".  My impression is that we are indeed working in a BOF that is aimed at producing a concept paper in consideration of  chartering a CCSDS WG to produce a CCSDS-wide Reference Architecture.   To that end, I would like to propose that we hold an initial kickoff teleconference next week. Could you please indicate if Wednesday, 09 December would be okay for you? The proposed time is 0700 Los Angeles/1000 Washington, Montreal/1600 Paris, Darmstadt, Munich, for one hour.    If that does not work well for you some alternate dates would be Thursday 10 December or Friday 11 December at the same time of day, but my preference is for the Wednesday date.

Some practicalities:

With the exception of the JAXA participant (still pending) I believe the various agency participant information is essentially complete and it is as follows:

BNSC: Roger Thompson
CSA: Leo Hartman (with Philip Melanson as alternate/backup)
CNES: Nicolas Champsavoir
DLR: Sylvan Gully
ESA: Yves Doat
JAXA: (To be announced)
NASA: Erik Barkley

The CWE URL for the BOF is   http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/default.aspx#_CSS-RASG

I have uploaded the pertinent slides extracted from the CESG report to CMC from last's month meeting with regard to the BOF effort (http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/CSS-RASG/Meeting%20Materials/BOF-Formation/SuperSIG-CCSDS-RefArch-Background-Nov-2009.pptx)  along with the amended notes from the Super BOF session that occurred on 27 October  (http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/CSS-RASG/Meeting%20Materials/BOF-Formation/2009100-SOA-MoM-V1.1(Amended-PS).doc) .

A proposed agenda for this initial telecon includes:

*         Brief review of BOF formation material

*         Plan re near-term deliverables

*         Brief review of various internal agency efforts re CCSDS RA to date

*         Tools/techniques re development of the concept paper

*         Concerns/issues that BOF members may have

If anyone has material re their respective agency's internal efforts with regard to the CCSDS RA effort please feel free to upload that to the CWE:  I have created a directory for  this at

http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fcss%2Fdocs%2FCSS-RASG%2FCWE%20Private%2FAgencyInputs  (it is in the CWE private, so it is password protected, not available to the public).  I will endeavor to post some initial NASA material by Monday of next week.

I view this as a rather serious and much needed CCSDS effort and consequently very much look forward to the initial telecon for the BOF; timely confirmation or alternate suggestion for telecon dates would be most appreciated.

Best regards,

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