[Css-dts] Draft Security Annex for Cross Support Concept Green Book

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Thu Aug 5 15:53:53 EDT 2004

Members of the DTSWG,
As you may recall, the process for addressing security for the SLE
transfer services has three steps:
1 - Add a security section to each of the transfer service
2 - Update the SLE Security Mechanisms Annex (F) of the Cross Support
Concept Green Book, to bring it more in line with actual practices and
to remove the tight coupling to the managed objects specified in the old
SLE Service Management book. 
3 - Write a new SLE Transfer Service Security Recommendation.

Item (1) has already been accomplished. 

Attached is the first draft of item 2 for your review, which I hope
corrects the shortcomings that Wolfgang and I have found with the
currently-published version. Please review it and return comments to me
at your earliest convenience. Once we have ensured that it is an
acceptable representation of the authentication and access control
process, we can update the Green Book to version 3 and publish it to the
CCSDS website. Then the transfer service references to the green book
will point to an appropriate description.

While I'm waiting for comments, I will begin to collect thoughts on the
Security Recommendation (item 3).

Best regards,

John Pietras
Global Science & Technology, Inc. (GST)
7855 Walker Drive
Suite 200
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Direct:   +1-240-542-1155
GST Main: +1-301-474-9696
Fax:      +1-301-474-5970

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