[Css-csts] Slightly updated MD-CSTS on CWE

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Thu Mar 6 15:08:19 EST 2014

CSTSWG colleagues ---
I have uploaded a slightly updated version of the MD-CSTS book to the CWE at URL

The updates mainly involved cleaning up a few corrections that I had missed with respect to some recent OID tree changes in the CSTS SFW.

I also formally declared the Monitored Data Collection functional resource type and its associated OIDs, replacing previous phrases along the lines of "the productions process involved with collecting monitored parameter values and event notifications". The motivation for locating this functionality in the Monitored Data Collection functional resource is the CSTS SFW requirement that production status change notifications be identified by the name of the production Functional Resource instance that had a status change.

My apologies for sending out a correction update so shortly after releasing the previous version.

Best regards,

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