[Css-csts] Updated Tracking Data CSTS on CWE

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Fri Mar 15 10:48:27 EST 2013

CSTSWG colleagues ---
I have just created a new TD-CSTS_W-0.6  folder, located within the Cross Support Services Area (CSS)<http://cwe.ccsds.org/css> > Documents<http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/Forms/AllItems.aspx?View=%7B8045374D-F8E0-4356-83CA-993252A38FE8%7D> > CSS-CSTS<http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fcss%2Fdocs%2FCSS%2DCSTS&View=%7B8045374D-F8E0-4356-83CA-993252A38FE8%7D> > CWE Private<http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fcss%2Fdocs%2FCSS%2DCSTS%2FCWE%20Private&View=%7B8045374D-F8E0-4356-83CA-993252A38FE8%7D> > Future Services using Toolkit<http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fcss%2Fdocs%2FCSS%2DCSTS%2FCWE%20Private%2FFuture%20Services%20using%20Toolkit&View=%7B8045374D-F8E0-4356-83CA-993252A38FE8%7D> > Tracking Data CSTS<http://cwe.ccsds.org/css/docs/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fcss%2Fdocs%2FCSS%2DCSTS%2FCWE%20Private%2FFuture%20Services%20using%20Toolkit%2FTracking%20Data%20CSTS&View=%7B8045374D-F8E0-4356-83CA-993252A38FE8%7D>   folder, at URL

This new folder contains three documents:

1.       TD-CSTS_W-0 6-130315 - This is a version with all changes from the previous version accepted. It still has some comments, which can be viewed in the "Final Showing Markup" view.

2.       TD-CSTS_0-6-to-0_5a-compare - This version shows all of the changes since the previous posted version (0.5a, July 2010).

3.       TD-CSTS_W-0 6-130315-ASN1 - This is a text file containing the two ASN.1 modules from the specification.

The primary purpose of this update is to support the beginning of prototyping of the TD service. The changes since the previous version are summarized as follows:
-          Responded to comments from David Berry
-          Removed normative references to and dependencies on the Guidelines.
-          Updates Section 2 for current Functional Resource usage.
-          Reworked Managed Information section to identify which configured paramteres from CSTS SFW are to be managed.
-          Moved Tracking Data Production to a normative annex. Added Tracking Data Production Managed Information section and Tracking Data Production Monitored Parameters, Notifiable Events, and  Directives section.
-          Added Monitored Parameters and Notifiable Events of TD-CSTS Provider section.
-          Changed normative references to SCCS-SM Blue-1 parameters into informative notes in Annex A.
-          Extended Annex B (Service Object Identifiers Module) to include IODs of the TD-CSTS Provider, TDM Segment Generation, and Tracking Data Recording Buffer FR Types

In making these changes, I came across several issues regarding the meaning of production status for the TD service, and how that refined meaning should be documented in the service specification. Section of the December 2012 version of the CSTS SFW states "The CSTS Specification Framework defines the permissible values of production-status and the transitions between these values in abstract terms; these values may be refined by service specifications [underline mine] based on the Framework.  Service specifications may also define substates for one or more of the production-status values where appropriate." There is no other reference in the CSTS SFW to refinement of the production status values, nor is it mentioned in the Guidelines. Should we indeed treat this as a refinement, and if so, how should it be documented in the TS service specification and any other specification that refines the meaning of the production status values?

Working on the TD-CSTS specification also brought out other issues related to the Buffered Data Delivery procedure, in particular regarding notification generated when the procedure is operating in the complete transfer mode. Rather than trying to address those issues here, I will write another email over the next few days.

Best regards,

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