[Css-csts] Replacing/augmenting SAH-1

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Thu Jul 11 11:53:37 EDT 2013

CSTSWG colleagues ---
As you know, the only CCSDS-standard underlying communication service for SLE and CSTS is the SLE Internet Protocol for Transfer Services (ISP1: CCSDS 913.1-B-1). ISP1 specifies the use of the Secure Hash Function known as SHA-1.

In a conversation with Howie Weiss (chairman of the CCSDS Systems Engineering Area Security Working Group (SEA-SWG) last spring, Howie informed me that SHA-1 has been deprecated for US government data systems and - more importantly for all CCSDS member agencies -  disallowed by the CCSDS Cryptographic Algorithms Recommended Standard (CCSDS 352.0-B-1, November 2012):  http://public.ccsds.org/publications/archive/352x0b1.pdf.

Coincidentally, this fall is the fifth anniversary of the publication of the ISP1 specification, and technically it will be due for a re-affirmation or update. Given that 352.0 disallows SHA-1, I don't think that it will be possible to simple re-issue the current ISP1 specification.

I did not raise this as an issue at the Bordeaux meeting because of the already-busy schedule, but I recommend that it be added to the agenda for the fall meeting in San Antonio.

Best regards,

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