[Css-csts] CSTS Guidelines review documents

Sylvain Gully Sylvain.Gully at dlr.de
Fri Apr 20 08:03:42 EDT 2012

Dear all,

I have uploaded two files corresponding to the review of the Guidelines 
we began Wednesday:

Cross Support Service Area (CSS) > CSS-CSTS > CWE Private > CSTS Guidelines:

"CSTSGuidelines_R-0.9_draft": this update corresponds to the alignment 
of the guidelines to the actual FW document. This update is still in 
progress and the final version is planned after the forward services 
have been added back to the FW.

"Guideline_Changes_for_R09" : this list holds the changes to be done and 
pending questions corresponding to the guidelines update.

Best Regards,

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Raumflugbetrieb und Astronautentraining
Kommunikation und Bodenstationen
82234 Weßling

Tel.    +49 (8153) 28-2142
Fax     +49 (8153) 28-1456
e-mail  Sylvain.Gully at dlr.de

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