[Css-csts] update on inter-operability testing

Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int
Tue Oct 20 12:22:53 EDT 2009

Dera Tim,
tomorrow at 15:30 (CEST, local time at ESOC Germany) we will be availbe to
support the test.

The CSTS application will be running and waiting for an incoming BIND.
We will try to send to you the log file from the previous session tomorrow
In case, you can contact us at the following phone number (as of 15:00) :


I hope this will work,
Kind regards,

Margherita di Giulio
Head of Ground Station Back-end Section
European Space Agency ESA/ESOC
Robert-Bosch-Str. 5
D-64293 Darmstadt - Germany
Tel: +49-6151-902779
e-mail: Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int

             "Ray, Timothy J.                                                
             <timothy.j.ray at nas                                           To 
             a.gov>                     "css-csts at mailman.ccsds.org"         
             Sent by:                   <css-csts at mailman.ccsds.org>         
             css-csts-bounces at m                                           cc 
             ailman.ccsds.org           "Felix.Flentge at esa.int"              
                                        <Felix.Flentge at esa.int>,             
                                        "Alexandra.Prilop at esa.int"           
             20/10/2009 00:07           <Alexandra.Prilop at esa.int>           
                                        [Css-csts] update on                 
                                        inter-operability testing            

Dear colleagues,

We have performed some inter-operability testing of the proto-Framework
service.  So far, we have successfully established a tcp socket connection
and agreed on a TML context (e.g. frequency of heartbeat messages).  After
that, a Bind-Invocation is sent by the NASA implementation and the ESA
implementation acknowledges receipt of a PDU.  However, apparently something
is wrong with the incoming Bind-Invocation, as the ESA implementation does
not send a Bind-Return.

The attached file shows the log from the NASA side, including a breakout of
the abstract Bind-Invocation showing the settings of the various fields.

What is needed in order to make progress is a corresponding level of debug
from the ESA side – i.e. message(s) showing whether or not the incoming
Bind-Invocation was decoded successfully, and if so, a breakout of the
abstract Bind-Invocation fields (plus some indication as to why a Bind-Return
is not sent back).

With Felix on vacation, Margherita out of the office, Alexandra out of the
office until Thursday, and me out of the office on Thursday, it looks like we
may not make much more progress until after our Fall meetings – unless there
is someone else on the ESA side who can provide some assistance.  I will be
available Tuesday and Wednesday from about 15:30 (ESA time) onward.

Best regards,
1-301-286-0581[attachment "proto.txt" deleted by Margherita di
Giulio/esoc/ESA] _______________________________________________
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