[Css-csts] Comments on CSTS Specification Framework Concept on CWE

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Mon Jun 22 14:22:35 EDT 2009


I've posted comments on the CSTS SFW Concept on the CWE, in the form of a markup of your G-0.12 document. The marked-up document (CSTS SFW Concepts G-0.12-jvp.doc) can be found at 



or http://tinyurl.com/CSTS-SFW-Concept-JVPcmmts


The comments are mostly in the form of embedded Word comment markup, but I also took the liberty of correcting some minor typographical errors when I noticed them.


Best regards, 



John Pietras

GST, Inc. 

7855 Walker Drive, Suite 200

Greenbelt, MD 20770



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