[Css-csts] ambiguous UNBIND operation requirements for duplicate invoke-ID

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Mon Jan 26 10:54:17 EST 2009


In Framework R-0.17, the definition of the UNBIND operation includes the
following NOTE under paragraph

"NOTE - The unbind invocation cannot be rejected. In case the unbind
invocation cannot be accepted, the Service Provider can only issue a
peer-abort (see" 


By definition, the note is informative. However, under the normative
definition of the table content there is no mention of this. Rather,
table 3-4 states that the UNBIND inherits the Standard Operation Header
(confirmed). This standard header allows the result to be either
'positive result' or 'negative result' and includes the conditional
diagnostic parameter. Normatively, if the UNBIND is issued with a
duplicated invoke-ID, an UNBIND negative return should be returned with
diagnostic value 'duplicate-Invoke-ID', not a peer-abort.  


If the intention is to peer-abort, then the normative definition needs
to be changed for the UNBIND. Specifically, the result parameter must be
restricted to 'positive result' and the diagnostic parameter must be


Note, too, that the reference to in the NOTE cited above no
longer seems applicable.


Best regards, 


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