[Css-csts] CSFS FW Concepts Draft 13

Martin Götzelmann martin.goetzelmann at vega.de
Sun Aug 30 06:39:25 EDT 2009

Members of the GSTS WG,
I have uploaded Draft 13 of the Green Book to 
CCS-CSTS > CWE Private > CSTS Framework and Concept > CSTS SFW Concepts G-0.13
for review. I believe that I have implemented all comments received so far including the conclsuions from the teleconference. 
For the "policy statement" concerning SLE Services I have now added the following statement to section 2.3:
"As will be demonstrated in ANNEX C it is possible to rework the existing SLE Service Specifications to conform to the CSTS Specification Framework. However, at the time of writing, there are no plans to do so."
Kind Regards, Martin

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