[Css-csts] First ever operational test of CCSDS SM Red-1

Erik Barkley Erik.Barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 7 00:39:36 EST 2008

SMWG Colleagues,

I'm pleased to inform you that the first ever operational tests 
involving a real-world spacecraft and the CCSDS draft service 
management recommendation have been successfully concluded.

At approximately 13:00 UTC on Saturday 1 March 2008, the JAXA SELENE 
spacecraft was acquired by the NASA JPL DSN Deep Space Station 
27.  Telemetry data was sent to SELENE operations via an RAF service 
instance.  This was coordinated by the interactions between the JAXA 
prototype known as UMR-1 and the JPL prototype known as CSSXP in 
conformance with the CCSDS Red-1 draft service management 
recommendation. Similar testing activities occurred on Monday 3 March 
2008 and Thursday 6 March 2008.  The activity on 6 March was the most 
advanced test in terms of the draft recommendation as it involved a 
service package constructed in relation to lunar occultation of the 
SELENE spacecraft as it was tracked over DSN DSS 24 during the test 
time.  The interactions between UMR-1 and CSSXP exercised the 
document exchange protocol,  service agreement, trajectory 
prediction, configuration profile and service package aspects of 
Red-1. More information, results, findings, etc will be discussed at 
the upcoming CCSDS meetings.

My sincere thanks and congratulations to the JAXA prototype and 
SELENE operations teams and the JPL prototype and DSN operations 
teams for a superbly executed set of test activities.

Best regards,


Erik Barkley
Chair, CCSDS Service Management Working Group
Area Director, CCSDS Cross Support Services

Email: erik.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Phone: 818.393.4972  

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