[Css-csts] Re: SLE Generic Data Transfer Service

Charles J Ruggier Charles.J.Ruggier at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Feb 7 13:47:44 EST 2005

To CSS-CSTS Members:

Attached is a high level description of the new SLE data transfer 
services.  The attached document is a summary of JPL  internal discussions 
and only outlines some of the basic approaches for implementing these new 
services.  We are planning a few more days of follow-up discussions with 
cognizant JPL implementation team members to properly characterize the new 
services, and to provide more detailed information on service interactions, 
service types, and data types.  I hope this preliminary document conveys 
some idea of what we are considering.


Charles J. Ruggier
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
+1 818 354-1823
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