[CSS-CLOUD] Follow-up re AI 230119-02 (TDM and XML Schema)

Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Sat Feb 4 00:10:20 UTC 2023

CSS Area Cloud BOF Colleagues,

At our last WebEx I took an action item to check what the encoding for the CCSDS TDM (Tracking Data Message) looks like. The action items reads:  "Check to see if the TDM spec already includes an XML Schema definition".  It turns out that there are both "flat" ASCII (or what the TDM book, CCSDS 503.0-B-2,  calls KVN - Key-Value Notation) as well XML Schema.  For the XML schema there are both namespace qualified and unqualified versions.  So this gives us 3 options that we would probably just "pass through" in terms of a cloud data delivery specification with regard to tracking data.  Any comments you may have will be appreciated.

If you want to look at the KVN spec, please see section 4 of CCSDS 503.0-B-2.  Section 5 deals with the XML schema.  The schemas are available via the SANA registry at https://sanaregistry.org/files/ndmxml_qualified/ndmxml-2.0.0-tdm-2.0.xsd or https://sanaregistry.org/files/ndmxml_unqualified/ndmxml-2.0.0-tdm-2.0.xsd

Best regards,
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